today’s post/blog

Yes I know, lame title but here it goes

Yes I am still loosing weight,  I am at 142 right now,  which is good,  I am not loosing it as fast but I am also not walking 3 miles a day right now.   But regardless, I am loosing weight.  My goal is still going on,  just not as focused on it.

I know I haven’t been writing that much,  i can’t help it.  Its been busy and stressful over here.  With trying to get my finances in order and also, I guess with trying to find my self in all,  I have been pre occupied.

I didn’t want to bore anyone with all the what do I do with my life, and self discovery ( or lack there of ).

My days right now seem to roll into each other,  and I am trying to keep my self focused on my main goal:  my future ; permanent career.   Which I still don’t know what it is.  I am not sure if I think it’s just going to land in my lap or really wishing it would.  Like one day I bump into someone and they are like ” you know what you would be good at” and I have an opening right now,  willing to train for a high paying job”  yeah like that is ever going to happen.  But I guess one can dream or hope, or pray for the most absurd thing possible.  Like winning the lotto…. I guess it does happen for some.

right now I am enjoying being a parent and all that comes with it, such as the 3am puke storm.  Yep this happen twice this week, both kids at about 3 am, two different nights. I think they planned it.  I swear these kids are working against us,  its like  WWE tag team match.  while you are dealing with one the other sneaks up behind you with a metal chair and hits you when the ref isn’t look.  sly little kids.  I guess this is what they meant by ” be careful what you do to your parents as your kids were do it back but twice as bad”

My biggest problem lately is staying focused.  My ADD is really acting up with the chaos going on around me.  I am having a hard time focuses on one thing and actually completing a task.  Not sure what to do about it.

My good new is that my son as figured out that there is more than 2 movies to watch.  Now the movies have grown from just wreck it Ralph and Brave, to include Arthur Christmas, Hotel Transylvania, Pirates and band of misfits , and Planes.  So I guess my viewing pleasure has improved if not my sanity.

which leads me to ask,  how is it that these people come up with the stories.  I guess all those nerds and geeks who were made fun of in school are laughing all the way to the bank.  Who cares if you can play a sport or who was voted the most popular with creativity like this.  Sorry but writers, gamers, geeks and nerds are much cooler and have way better jobs when they get older.

Re examining Goals ……..

So I am needing to re examine my goals and give some status

Wight loss

lose weight – 50 pounds by April 13, 2014….

 MY status

               Lost 20 pounds so Far with like 2 months left for another 30 pounds…. In short I still have a lot of weight to lose but I am almost 1/2 there.


get a new and better job : total of 1 year from 09/16/13 ( it might take a job change, hopefully not)

My Status

                  I have a new job and I like it, but I don’t think this is my forever job. And I am trying to figure out me to find out what I need to do to find that job.

Getting my Drivers License

get my DL : 30 days from 09/16/13

 My Status: ummm yeah … I need to get this taken care of.  Does anyone have a car I can borrow?  what no takers,  I promise I won’t hit anything ( to bad)

New Car ( or new to be car)

get a new car : one year from 09/16/13

My status: i am working on this, and am Hoping to be able to buy a car with my tax refund.  I know it’s not much money but hoping ( and crossing my figures and wishing on a falling star) that it will get us a good car,  not another car in which will die.

School: College

start school by the end of 2014

 My status:  Hell Yes , I am in school. Now only to figure out what I want to be…… MMMMM any ideas ?  any ? any at all?


And for he remainder goals:

Be the best me possible ( 09/19/13)…….. I am working on me everyday,  and in short I need a lot of work.  

Fit into a pair of pants i bought May 2010 ( prior to my son before born)…. 20 pounds down another 15 till post MR baby weight!,  I say by summer,  any                                takers on this bet? 

Work on my grammar and vocab 09/19/13…… mmm yeah,  lets hope schooling with fix this or improve on it. 

Comic Con 2014 or 2015 – 09/22…. well we might not be going to the San Diego Comic Con ( still our dream) but we are saving for the phoenix Comic con

on the issue of my weight…. yes I know the topic you all have been waiting for

So last time I posted , a real post on weight I was at 149.8, and then the holiday’s hit and I started well going down another path. By Another path , I mean stressed out and well a little depressed.

After the holidays, I went to about 150,  and now,  well now  I am … weight for it ( get it weight , and wait, haha crack my self up)

wait for it

are you ready for it….. I mean are you ready for it 

I am down to 145.4 pounds ….

So to answer the question that has been floating around your mind.  Yes I am still trying to lose weight. No I have not given up.  Yes I am working at it all the time.  I have just over a month left.  I know I might not make my goal, but I think I am doing a good job.

I am trying to figure out my next phase of my work out.  I know I need to take it to the next step, but I just well, have been enjoying the few hours I have with my children,  I know I need to work something out but I like playing blocks and cars and princess.  I can’t help it.  But don’t fear, I will figure something out.  I always do.

Oh and for one of my side notes;  next month, yes February,  we are planning on cutting bad carbs for a month from our diets to see how that goes.   By bad carbs I mean bread, noodles, white rice and pastries.  that means no hamburger buns, pizza, cakes , cookies , soda, bagels and chips.  I will still eat the good stuff, you know fruits and veggies.

But don’t worry I will let you know how it goes.  If you have any suggestions please feel free to let me know…….


Well I have two months to lose 50 pounds ( I am at 150, gained a pound but really its a pound),  and I am now freaking.  Trying to find a healthy way to lose the 50 pounds in two months.

Since I started my goal, a lot has changed.  I know work full-time.  And despite the fact that I make a 1k less than I did at my other job, I am more stressed than ever, and have a lot more work.  due to my work schedule I have been working late and the fiance has been picking me up, so in the last two weeks no walks, which is bad.

I say that this is bad for several reasons,  one being the walking is what is helping me lose weight and the other,  the walking is a stress reliever.  So in short ,  no stress relief right now,  I am holding it all in and it is building.

Since I have two months left, I need to rethink my goal, and what I need to do to achieve it, in a healthy way.

Yes I know I keep on pressing the fact “healthy way”, this is for several reasons.  Main reason,  i don’t want to damage my body in order to lose weight,  and i feel that if it isn’t done right, than I won’t lose the weight permanently ( as in I will just gain the weight back again), which would defeat the hole reason why I am doing this.

So what to do, what to do?????????

weight weight and oh yeah my weight

Ummmmm haven’t weighed my self lately …..or did measurements.  I have been kind of pushing them off.  as I have been well busy and stressed ( more stressed than busy).

I have not stopped working out, or trying to lose my extra baggage of weight that i carry around.  its been the holidays and my schedule is off right now.  I know that my well deadline is approaching and I have a lot of weight to lose, but I haven’t given up and I won’t.  I know that slow and steady is what I have to do,  and I know that to actually start loosing more weight I need to change what I am eating as a whole.

But don’t worry I will make it and I will make my goal.  I am not one for giving up. Complaining and whining yes, bitching and moaning the whole way, well yes that is me.  Giving up, nope, to stubborn for that.  I will lose all this fat and I will do it the right way, in hopes that changing my whole eating habits and being more physically will keep the weight off and will help me in the end lead a healthier life.

So here’s is to next week ( Tuesday, that is) for my current weigh in and measurements for the new year.

Lost 13 pounds!Felt great, than…… I went to the store, and It all went down hill

This morning i was like “Yay I lost 13 pounds“,  I was so Happy,  And like” Yay, look at me, can you tell”.  I was even able to button and zip a pair of jeans on today that I haven’t worn since before my son was born.  The Pants were size 7, and they zipped up, granted they didn’t really fit, as my belly hung over (sorry for the thought) but the point is it is a step in the right direction.

So,than I went to the store, cloths looking ( it’s like shopping but at the end you don’t buy anything, price checking), thinking I lost weight might buy something,  than I passed a mirror,(ewwwe) and then I started noticing other people, and then looked back at my self.  And that thought I had this morning, thinking I lost weight and look at me, went out the window. And I wanted to hide.

Yep, 13 pounds down but still fat.  It wasn’t the boost in self-esteem I was looking forward to.  And it didn’t help that I was also called old ( which I am not, I am only 32 years old, that’s young, it must be cause I am fat and it makes me look older).  So in short the high I had of loosing weight this morning, fell flat bottom and left me knocked out.

it was a bad day yes, but it is a reminder that I do have a lot of weight to lose.  13 pounds down and another 49 pounds to go.  and I have like 3 month to reach my goals (side note: I hope my skin goes back to normal……sorry for the thought again)

wait what…. I lost what this last week!!!!!! Can I get a Whoop Whoop!

mmmmm weigh in was yesterday,  and guess who got on the scale.


Thats right me and the scale are getting a long very well..

My new weight 149.8.  mmmmmmm good right

Can I get a whoop whoop

Last week I was at 151, so that means I lost ….. 1.2 pounds…..

I have been lacking on my work out,  It turns out that I am not a morning person and I don’t want to get up to exercise… So I will be starting all over tomorrow morning from step one.

Day 3 and day 4…… mixed days

hello To all

today is Day 4, which is my relax day…..

but day 3 is what I am here to write about.  where do I start with day 3…. well first, I was actually filling the work out in my abs, when I coughed, It hurt.  When I bent down, It hurt,  actually any movement with my abs involvement, I actually felt it.

So in short I think that they are working, at least for my abs.  But nothing , and I meant nothing in my arms.  It feels like I haven’t done anything at all.  It might be because, I can’t do a push up to save my life.  either way, It doesn’t feel like anything is happening with them.

I do notice a little that I have lost weight,  but my stomach, well that’s another story.  I still have my gut,  the huge gut, that looks like I am pregnant or been downing a 6 pack of beer every day since I was 21.  This is the part the really brings me down.  I know I have had 3 kids, ( Two in the past 3 years)  but, I feel like it won’t leave.  Picture it this was,  right now I am a size 10 and they are loose on the legs and gets loose on the hips, but my stomach, yeah that belly’s over the pants. Now you think muffin top,  but think a little bigger.

If you are guessing that I am a little depressed, you are right.  All day today my pants would slide down,  but my shirt, still showed my fat belly.  It’s hard to say I have lost weight when all I see is that.  I know that this will be an uphill battle,  but I am hoping that at the end of it I will be able to wear cloths again and not feel like a fat cow.

well tomorrow, is day 5 ….. another 2.6 mile walk, and more abs and arms. ….. wondering though if I should try something new or different with arms.

and the numbers are…….. drum roll please

last week was 152.8 pounds ……..this weeks numbers are ……

are you ready for it

I mean R U READY!!!!!!

scale 151



that’s a loss of 1.8 pounds.  I know not a huge amount but its a loss and I am thrilled that it’s over a pound.

But at this rate, it will be a year by the time I reach my weight goal. a pound a week…… well I happy about it.

Day 2 of the 30 day workout / challenge

DAY 2 – my 30 day work out / challenge

well this morning started out rough,  I didn’t want to get up, but regardless I did.

As I woke up late and was tired, I only did the work out.  No warm up or cool down,  just got up and did my abs ( 8 crunches, 8 leg raises and one 12 second planks) than on to my arms ( 8 shity/half ass push ups, 8 dips, 15 biceps, 15 seconds of punches) and that was that this morning.

after work and picking up the kids, we ( and by we, I mean the kids in the stroller) walked home from the day care.  Yep at 2.6 mile walk.

But the down fall of today….. I was so busy at work, I forgot to eat.  which in case you guessed it, means when I got home I stuffed my face.  I eat a chicken sandwich, a small thing ( microwave able) mac and cheese,  and a bowl of cereal.  Yep I shoved all this into my mouth within an hour.

and for my evening work out….. well since I didn’t do my warm up  or cool down this morning and I shoved a crap load of fat, carbs and calories down my throat, I decided to do my warm up , with a small about of cardo ( with help from Jillian Michaels) with my evening work out.

nerveless, I followed my work out plan and did my day 2 of my plank challenge.  ( with each plank I was thinking, goodbye belly,  goodbye fat, over and over in my head)

I am tired now and off to bed.  I am hoping tomorrow I will get up in time to do the full work out with the warm up and cool down.

Day 1 of the 30 day challenge – of work out ( Sunday December 8 2013)

Day 1 completed….. it wasn’t too hard,  So I guess i am not that out of shape.  Or more than likely the mile plus walks I do during the week have helped me get into some shape.

the morning started out late, as it’s the weekend so no getting up early here.

My morning work out started like this

Warm up help w/ Jillian Michael’s Kickboxing warm up and 30 day shred warm up ( level 1), from there I went straight into my abs.  5 crunches, 5 leg raises, and 1 ten second plank.   after that was completed I did another round of warm up ( thanks to Jillian Michaels) and then off to my arms  with 5 (half ass) push ups, 5 ( not sure if I did them right) dips, than 10 biceps  curls ( really easy), than a fish with 10 secs of punches.

than for my warm down , again help from Jillian again….. I finished with no problems.

ahhhh the morning completed with no problems – and it took maybe 20 mins, between getting everything ready to getting everything put away.

to be honest a little too easy.

Now for the evening work out. – repeated the above ,  well sort of ,  Not so much on the warm up, at least not as long on the warm up.

but in all the same,  the planks were easy.

In short for my plank challenge I did 5 planks with a 20 second hold per each Plank and 20 seconds between each plank.

in all not bad and feeling nothing right now,  but today was easy. We will see how I feel at the end of the week.

As a whole……….My workout plan in full

In full my work out plan is 30 days long and will focus on my arms and abs, in short my problem areas. And I have made a challenge for myself, “The Plank Challenge” ( 30 days).

My arms and ab work outs will be done in the mornings and evening,  along with a small 15 min warm up(before)/cooldown( after),  this is to get the muscles warm, which will make the work out more effective and prepares the body for the exercise and  also more importantly prevents injuries .  The warm up is basic ( and is done before the actual work out) stretching, jumping jacks, running in place, fake jump rope, and  arm circles.   The cool down is basically just stretching again,  to prevent any injuries happening after the work out.

In short there is no point in exercising if you are not going to do it right, because all you are going to do in injury yourself and put yourself in a worse situation.

Well here it is my 30 day work out plan…… Now for the meal plan( looking less forward to the write up of this)

24 day challege 30 day arm challenge

In the evening I Plank,  right after I finish my workout, but before cool down.plank

The 30 day plank challenge – Part 1 of the plan


The Plank challenge ( this part of the challenge will be done after work)

believe it or not this little thing is a hard one.  It requires a great deal of strength,  In your abs and thighs.  And if you think its easy after trying it,  you are morning than likely doing it wrong.  You back must be flat, and you are supporting your self by your abs.  Not easy for someone like me, who has had 3 kids and the last one being a c-section.  ( But on a side not,  during the c-section, after the baby came out,  the doctor was kind enough to sew my ab muscles back together, Thanks docs)

The Challenge :

Day 1 – 5 –   20 seconds planks
Day 2 – 10 – 20 seconds planks
Day 3 – 5 –  30 seconds planks
Day 4 – 10- 30 seconds planks
Day 5 – 5 –  40 seconds planks
Day 6 – REST
Day 7 – 5 –  45 seconds planks
Day 8 – 10 – 45 seconds planks
Day 9 –  5  –  60 seconds planks
Day 10 – 10- 60 seconds planks
Day 11 – 10 – 60 seconds planks
Day 12 – 5 – 90 seconds planks
Day 13 – REST
Day 14 – 5 – 90 seconds planks
Day 15 – 10- 90 seconds planks
Day 16 – 5 – 120 seconds planks
Day 17 – 10- 120 seconds planks
Day 18 – 5 – 150 seconds planks
Day 19 – REST
Day 20 – 5 – 150 seconds planks
Day 21 – 10 – 150 seconds planks
Day 22 – 5- 180 seconds planks
Day 23 – 10- 180 seconds planks
Day 24 – 5- 210 seconds planks
Day 25 – 10- 210 seconds planks
Day 26 – REST
Day 27 – 5 – 240 seconds planks
Day 28 – 10 – 240 seconds planks
Day 29 – 5 – 270 seconds planks

So the moment I have been dreading…. Putting the plan in place!

I have been holding off on this and pushing it off all week,  Because I know what this means.  Putting this plan in place means……. well,  the dreading getting up early……

I am not a morning person by no means,  and every morning I fight with my self and sorry to say it my family too, to get in the morning.  Every morning I get up around 6:30 or so ( by so i mean after the 6:30 mark) and every morning I am rushing out the door, and almost late everyday.  And with this plan it means that I would have to get up even earlier,  around 5:30 to 6am, just to exercise.

But If i want to lose my weight on time, This is what I am going to have to do.

My plan ( are you ready for it)

ab work out in the morning ,  with a small arm work out.  I know sounds simple right, well it isn’t,  again I have to actually do this in order for it to work.  Which means the first step is to get up.  ( the hardest step I should say is to get up)

well here goes nothing…… to the plan I have created….. the next blog!

Final week of November weigh in

well it’s that time of the week for my weigh in

and its …… 152.8,  about a .4 oz loss.  but in short not a real loss.

but the good news…. I didn’t gain any weight over the holiday.  I know I was surprised I expected to at least gain a pound but I didn’t.  So I will consider this a win for me ( point 1 me )

With this win,  I bring up the failed weight loss goal for the month of November.  As you might remember at the beginning of the month I stated I wanted weigh in the 140’s. Well that didn’t happen,  but I am okay with it.  I will try hard this month.

Now this month goal is going to be a lot harder,  I am going to try to lose …. wait for it, wait for it

13 pounds,  enough for me to be in the 130’s.  I am trying to put down a meal plan schedule and a work out schedule.

I will post shortly,  and if you have any ideas please share,  anything to lose this fat would be great!

but in all, I would like to point out I have now lost 10 pounds

weight loss goals for this month and this week

It’s Sunday, and I have some work to do next week to ensure my weight loss goals for the month of December.

My last weigh in was 153.  Which was great, and I am so happy. I am now down to my pre pregnancy weight of my daughter, and now I want to be down to the pre pregnancy weight of my son,  and after that the pre relationship weight and then finally , down to the pre pregnancy weight of my first child,  leaving me at around 110.

My weight loss goal for November was more than likely not meet, but between being sick and the whole family being sick and thanksgiving, I am just hoping right now I haven’t gained anything after this week.

My goal last month was to hit below 150.  Well I am close and really shocked I made it this far.  But this month I plan on losing even more weight.  I would like to get to as close as I can to 140.  This is my weight goal for this month.

And my plan to reach it is:

To work out.  Not just to work out, but to work out on my arm, abs and chest. In short my problem areas.

And I plan to work on my eating a little more.  See during the week I have a really good structure, as I have a schedule that I work around.  But on the weekend, I, well run around with like a chicken with their head cut off.  In short, no structure, and no schedule to follow, so I eat basically whenever and whatever I can get my hands on.  And this has to stop.

So this week I will be making a meal plan for all 7 days, and I will follow this schedule. By doing this it will help with giving me a schedule to follow.

In short my goals: work out and make a meal plan,

My weight loss goal for this week, to lose 3 pounds (get to the 140’s and out of the 150’s)

I will update shortly with the meal plan and workout plan.


its WEIGH IN TIME! and its time for the measurements

As you all may be aware of, I was really sick last week and I missed my weigh in.  When I finally weighed myself I didn’t count it  as I was sick and as we know we tend to lose weight being sick.  In short last week’s weight didn’t count.

But regardless of last week I am do for a weigh in today and my make-up measurements too…..

soooo da da da da daaaaaa daaaaaa daaaaaa daaaaaaa………………………..

This week……………………….


Yep, I look like I haven’t gained anything back yet.  Actually I lost 0.8 pounds (ounces).  This could be due to me still recovering but I will take it.

Now for the measurements

My old measurements measurement: Neck 15″Shoulder 48Chest 42”; Arms L R 13 ” waist 42 (sad day when your chest and waist are the same) butt/hips 43″, thigh L 23 r 24″, calf L 15″ R 16′

New: Neck 14.5, shoulder 44″ chest 40.5″waist 39″Arms L&R 13″butt.hip, 42″thigh R 22 L 22.5, R 15.5, L 15.5

So in all, I lost everywhere.

I can tell you that my cloths that I bought right before I got my job are fitting different. It feels like I am thinning out more on my bottom half that my top half, even though the measurements speak differently.  I think my biggest issues are my arms and stomach (abs) area.  I will need to start working those areas out a lot more.

For my goal, I think I am doing well.  I still am hoping to meet my (4 months from now) goal of weighing 110, but my long-term goal of eating healthier is doing really good.  I haven’t just cut down on the amount of food I eat but also the types of food.  I have slowed down (but not stopped) eating fast food.  My soda consumption has gone down dramatically and I am drinking more water.

Right now my every day diet is pretty basic.  I eat apples and cheese and crackers for both breakfast and lunch, with either 1/3 of soda or a small juice box for a drink ( and drinking water throughout the day).  For Dinner I eat chicken (in any form, including sandwich or chicken burger) or fish. And I will drink maybe another 1/3 of soda, milk or juice.

In short I am wasting a lot of soda, and trying to substitute soda for juice.  And recently discovered that drinking a glass of milk has more calories than the small about of soda I have been drinking, but on the plus it does have some vitamins in it.

I have also been walking a lot.  On Monday, Tues and Thursdays I ride the bus to the kid’s day care center, pick them up and walk from their day care to our house, which is almost 3 miles and on Wednesday and Fridays I walk from the bus stop to my house which is almost 2 miles.

I will have to figure out some small work outs that I can do on my arms and abs in order to lose some more inches off of those places.

I know that this week will be tough, sort of, but I have my goal in place and seeing it actually work has been helping me stay focused.  Also, I am not a fan of turkey and sweets, my only problem will be staying away from the mashed potatoes and bread.

Wish me luck and happy thanksgiving to all.

weigh in missed this week………due to sickness

As you can tell I missed my Monday weigh-in but for a good reason ,  I have been and still am sick.   well actually the whole family is sick.   I was incredibly sick on both Monday and Tuesday which is why the weigh in was missed.  The kids are still really sick,  and have already gone to the ER once and have a doctor appointment tomorrow, fevers are still up for them and show no real sign of going down,  the down side of day care I guess.  I am still sick but I am finally eating some, so I am getting better.

But as for me,  I missed my weigh in and even though I can tell you now what my weight is today, we all know that weight would be incorrect as it is influenced by my sickness.  which means by next week I would have gained some of that weight back .

So that you do know what it is, its 153.8.

but keep in mind that this will more than likely go up by next weigh in.

In short no real loss this week for me,  but keep tuned in for next week.

week 3 weigh in …………mmmm still loosing?

Well today is weigh in,  what do you think?  mmmmm well…… I know you are waiting on pins and needles for this ( as I have been all week-long) 

starting weight  (10/21/13) 162.8

week 1 ( 10/28/13) 161.4

week 2 ( 11/04/13) 158.2

week 3 ( current week : 11/11/13) ………….. 156.6

that’s a weight loss of  6.2 pounds

I think I am doing pretty good and I have 7 pounds to lose to reach my November goal of the 140’s.  

So far over  the last week,  i have cut my soda to around 1 can a day ( some days a lot less with just a taste or so,  and a couple of days with 2 sodas),  I am eating a lot less, in carbs, but still need to cut them.  My weekend really blew my total I think,  as i had  some pizza on Friday and ended up ( do to the time restraints) had Arby’s for dinner,  which below my goal for the week.  But I did walk 2 miles on Monday, Wednesday and Friday ( for a total of 6 miles) and i walk a mile on Saturday and Sunday ( 2 miles today )  for a total walking of 8 miles. I will be moving that up this week, as I will be walking home from the bus all week-long , which is 2 miles.  

Stayed tuned for week 4 when we do not only a weigh in but we will be measuring too.

(measurement from 10/21/13 : Neck 15″, Shoulder 48″Chest 42″ ;Arms L R 13 ” waist 42 ( sad day when your chest and waist are the same) butt/hips 43″, thigh L 23 r 24″, calf L 15″ R 16′) 

Half way through my Saturday – getting ready for cooking

It’s 11:30am,  I am cleaning my house, as obviously even though I am getting back into the swing of things at work, my family already got into the grove of me being gone and has left my house a disaster.  So i am cleaning and cleaning and cleaning.

Once I am done we are going to do a quick walk through of the choices of recipes and then off to the store to buy the ingredients that we need.

I am trying to do something easy, healthy ( non fat, good for you food) ,  new, different and never tried,  but more importantly something I have to make from scratch.

Again before I can do any of that I need to clean my house………. but first lunch,  broccoli and cheese.mmmmmmm

going to try something new …

Going to try something new this weekend…. I am going to cook, well cook something from scratch.  I have been trying to find recipes on-line,  healthy recipes to go with my weight loss and healthy eating.  I don’t want to be gaining all the weight that I just lost.

I will be cooking on Saturday, with the help of my children ( hopefully) and my (soon to be) stepson.  I am going to try to make this a fun family time thing.

I say from scratch as i know how to cook basic things,  but I can’t cook from scratch.

A few choices from this meal are ( from my understanding these are healthy recipes

Healthified Pumpkin Bread

Healthified Homemade Pizza

Healthified Tex-Mex Chicken Skillet

Healthified Seared Tilapia with Lemon-Tarragon Sauce

Healthified Creamy Peach-Berry Dessert

Healthified Greek Chicken Pizza

(recipes are from

I am open to any ideas that you may have on a from scratch (healthy)recipe,

Weigh in time……… and my weight for this week is

I know you are all sitting on pins and needles, just wondering what my weigh in this week is.  well wait no more the time has come and my weight is……

last Monday 161.4

and this week start weight is…..

are you ready for it



that’s right, you read that correctly,  I now weight 158.2, that’s a 3.2 pounds , and I believe that’s pretty good.  For a moment there I was afraid I wouldn’t have lost anything or worse, was back to 162.  So it looks like i am headed in the right direction.

So far my weight loss total is 4.6 pounds

My goal weight for the end of the month is to be in the 140’s ( even if that means being 149 pounds and 11 ounces, as long as I am in the 140’s)

Also today I managed to walk a total of 2 miles … I know amazing ,  tomorrow will be the same,  i figured if i walked around 2 mile for 4 of the 7 days this week it could help.

I am doing pretty good on the soda ,  Not drinking as much,  but I have to make sure that i drink lots of water.

I am really hoping things will keep up and I will stay on target, and well we might me looking at another great week.

cloths shopping – second hand style

Happy Sunday to all.  Today I am going cloths shopping,  but not to a regular store.

My new job requires me to dress business causal, which has become a problem for me as, well I don’t have any business casual cloths that fit me.

After having 2 kids in 2 years , I haven’t gone back to my pre prego weight,  I am at 161 and I was at 125, So nothing fits.  But due to my budget or lack of  budget I can’t afford to actually go to a store and buy new cloths, so I am going to try something new and different. I am going to go shopping at a second-hand or used cloths store.

this is my first time shopping at these types of stores so I don’t know really where to go, I went online last night and found some places to try out today.

Wish me luck that I can find something.

weigh in ….da da da daaaaaa

today is weigh in day

last week my weight was at 162.8

Today it is ……161.4 pounds

so a loss of 1.4 pounds

Not sure if that is a true loss or not, but either way I will take it. ( and we will know for sure with next Monday’s weigh in)



Busy end of the month!

last week of the month and its busy

This is the week I find out for 100% if I have the job ,  I won’t say i have it as i don’t really believe that I do, until my first day.

I am going to have to set up Daycare next week for my children,  which sucks as My little Lady has never been in daycare ( she was at home the entire time) We are going to check out one last place ( re check out actually) and than if its a yes, do all the paper work needed to enroll.

I hope to get my DL this week,  i have no problem passing the written test, but I am so scared of driving that I never had the balls to actually take the driving test.  But part of my goal is to grow up and face my fears.  so hear we go facing my fear.

My weigh in is tomorrow and I don’t believe that I have lost any weight and I am scared of the weigh in,  but I know I have to face it and I need to loose weight

I quit smoking and drinking ( not that i was a drinker, but it just isn’t healthy)  when i got pregnant with my son,   i almost lost my son when he was born and i can’t imagine loosing him because I die due to my unhealthy life style.  I want to be part of my son’s life ,  not sitting on the side line watching it happen from a distance,  So I will loose this 60 pounds and prove to my self and my son about eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle.

here is hoping next week is productive and an all around good week.



Goals – update

Goals update time!

I haven’t really been able to do much on most of the goals as they require money, AKA job, but things might be looking up

As for the main goal: Job

I think I actually might have one, find out confirmation tomorrow.  So for my goal “get a new and better job: total of 1 year from 09/16/13 (it might take a job change, hopefully not)” might be starting. It is for only $12.00 an hour, so sorry to say I might have to work on finding my dream job still.  But I can pay bill and take care of my family and that’s the important part.

Due to the pay of the job, my comic con goal will have to wait till 2015, but either way, I can always do Phoenix comic con.

on the plus it’s for a car dealership so I might get a discount and be able to get a job by 2014, I have a tax refund coming this year and I know I will need part of that refund to survive but I hope to be able to put some aside so that I can put down a down payment on a car.  We need it so bade.  Right now in the car dept. we are down to a 1986 f250 ford pickup, and if you know cars you know we are spending an arm and leg on gas (11 miles to the gallon), at this point any car is an improvement.

On a plus side, if everything goes as planned tomorrow, I can be getting my DL next week!

And the weight issue, the only good news is that I don’t gain weight.  I weigh in tomorrow but I am not holding my breath. But I think a lot of my problem is the amount of stress I have been under.  I hope that with a job and some of the weight of doom being lift off of me, I can focus more on this.

I believe that this is it for right now.  I let you know when I have more.

Day 3 and 4 of Week 1 revamp weight loss and health challenge.

Oh my weight and health challenge, is well difficult in every way possible.  Have two kids and chancing after them, blows most goals out of the water,  most of the time I forget to eat, and than when I am eating I am rushing or sharing my food.

I missed breakfast both days (Wednesday and Thursday) and my snacks both days ( my kids didn’t miss though, I can at least get them fed) .  I did eat lunch but after 1 pm,  I shoved a chicken breast sandwich on Wednesday and on Thursday I made me my son’s Mickey mouse chicken nuggets ( 7 ) down my throat. I don’t even remember tasting either of them but i know I shared both with my kids,

do to all the running around and family drama I haven’t really exercised,  I did walk both days for 30 mins plus, but that only prevents weight from packing on.

for dinner I had chicken breast. again with mashed potatoes ( again shared with my kids, as my plate belongs to them too, even though a plate was made for them) and today Thursday -If you guess chicken again, you are right,  this time with french fries ( and yes shared with kids again)

I know tomorrow is going to be rough,  I have a job interview at 10am, than off to the AZ job program for another interview ( this time its a job fair) and a meeting with the job counselor.  after that my fiance has a doctor’s appointment and then we get to go home and I get to get ready for bonko ( first time going)

So no plans for tomorrow,  But I will let you know if things change, I wish I had someone to help manage my time and help me complete this part of my life I wish I was Oprah ( without all the responsibilities)  and had a life coach to help me along.  That’s what I need a life coach.


Day 2 of Week 1 revamp weight loss and health challenge.

Tuesday was okay, not great but okay

Like usual busy morning, all 3 of us (the kids and me) ate eggs (1 egg per person) and toast.  After breakfast and cleaning up the kids and picking up the house (by this time it was like 11:00) I decided to take the kids for a walk.  My 2-year-old insisted on walking all by himself, which was fine but ruins the ability to work off calories but it makes him happy,   we walked around the neighborhood and went all the way to the school ( which for a 2-year-old is pretty good).  On our way, back I was able to talk my son into sitting in the stroller so I was able to push my pace up and  work up a sweat.

When we got home, I found my little girl had fallen asleep during the walk so I put her down.  (By this time it was around 12:39)  I received a call from my fiancé who blew my eating plan right out the window.  He called stating was out class and he was on his way to Dazzo’s , ( Dazzo’s is a hotdog spot in Glendale, AZ,  it’s just awesome, melts in your mouth and straight to your hips or in my case adds to the fat around my belly).  Therefore, for lunch we all had hot dogs and french fries.  (In addition, I had two Oreo’s too), not proud of it but it sure did taste good.

For dinner I had a sandwich (ham, w/ mayo and some chips) , it’s this part of my day that sucks,  right now my fiancé is working a night schedule and is out work during dinner, we don’t get to do the family dinner like we used to.

After he got home, I went for another 30 min plus walk, which was about 9:30pm.

However, I only had 1 soda, and 1 4oz juice (apple) and the rest was water – that was an improvement

Tomorrow, (Wednesday) I plan to do some abs workouts along with arms.  I will do my walk in the mornings (possibly with kids)

My goal for tomorrow is to have 1 soda, up to 8oz of juice, the rest water, NO FAST FOOD TOMORROW!

wish me luck!


getting back in the game

It seems lately with every attempt that I try to make to better myself, in any way, I keep on being hit with something in return.

Originally I tried to get back in shape in May , and was doing great until the middle of June when I ended up fracturing 3 ribs ( in short I was pushed off the city bus by a man who was not paying attention and ended up being slammed into a concrete pole) It Took me over 8 weeks to heal.  And any movement I made was painful.  Now I feel great, but I am completely out of shape and Have to start from the being again.  And it sucks!

I knew my work was in trouble but I think I was holding out for another month or so, but then I was laid off.  At first I thought, no biggie, I have great work ethic and amazing work history, I shouldn’t have a problem getting a job.  Nope not the case it seems, it’s now over 3 months going on 4 months later, and I am still looking for a job.

I feel like with every step I take forward, I am pushed two steps back, I feel like I haven’t made any progress lately.

I am in a funk and I need to get out.  But I am not sure how to.

Day 1 of Week 1 revamp weight loss and health challenge.

Day 1 of revamp week, a bust in my opinion.

My weigh in was at 162.8 (at 5,0feet, which is obese)

I woke up late this morning thanks to the fact that my fiancé did not have to work until later in the afternoon and our children let up sleep in until 8:30am.  But after that, it was nothing but rushing in order to get out of the house.  Served the kids breakfast but forgot about myself.  Did laundry and a load of dishes.  Then I got the kids ready for a day of running around (loaded diaper bag and snacks for the kids, but didn’t bring anything for myself).  Went to the states job program today to pick up information on jobs and job fairs, came home with lots of packets full of jobs opening.  Due to the time we spent at the job place, we did not get home until 2pm, so I ate lunch then and put the kids down for like 15 mins, finished picking up the house and did another load of dishes and more laundry.  Do to my late lunch; I was not hungry for dinner so I didn’t eat.  But I did have 2 cans of soda today and 4 small starburst (only the red)

So in short, today is a bust, not eating is pretty bad for your body and actually causes your body to store the food you did eat and leads to eating more for your next meals.

I was able to get in a 45 min walk and did drink 4 glasses of water

Goal for tomorrow:

Eat all 3 meals plus two snacks, get up in time (7:30am) to walk, eat on time.  And do a work out at 3pm (30 mins); try to drink on 1 can of soda.

here’s hoping tomorrow will be better


Week 1 revamp weight loss and health challenge.

We are going to try this again

I am going to re vamp my weight loss (health) this week, this time I put a plan in place.  A work out and eating schedule.

Monday day 1 will follow as is ( I will update at the end of the day for confirmation that this has been completed

Get up and take a walk – 30 mins

Breakfast – 1 egg

Mid-morning – clean up the house and snack (fiber bar)

Lunch – broccoli and cheese with a glass of white cherry grape juice

Afternoon – put the kids down for nap, re clean the house and snack (string cheese or yogurt) and if time allows and I have some help, I can try to exercise for about 30 mins

And well dinner; I don’t know yet, but more than likely it will be chicken and rice.  (Easy to make and I don’t feel like turkey)

My goal for the day, no soda, or one can.  And at least 5 glasses of water and no more than 2 glasses of juice

I figured that if I make one small goal a day than it might make it easier to make the big goal I have set for myself.

Wish me luck that this works out.  I will post either at the end of the day or tomorrow morning.


weight loss disappointment

I find the whole weight loss process to be full of disappointment.

I hate dieting and refuse to do it.  If you are thinking that I hate to exercise too, you are actually wrong.  I love to walk, I love being active.   I walk around 30 mins or more each night (which is probably why I don’t why more).  If I had more time I would actually exercise more.  But I find having two kids makes it difficult as they are always right there,  each kids on one side of the legs holding on,  preventing me from doing anything,  it’s like a cruel game they play on me.

Instead of dieting and exercising, I want to do something different.  I want to change the way I eat,  what I eat and the way I live.  I want to change my life style. If I just diet than all I am ever doing is dieting, and my weight will always go up and down. I don’t want to be going through this my whole life, I want to be healthy, and not have to worry about my weight.

I am going to go see a dietitian to help make meal plans and talk about the issues I am having.  As when you spend your whole life throwing carbs and fat down your throat your body has a tendency to crave these types of foods, and it turns into a type of addiction, leads which leads to failure. The only way to succeed is to break the addiction

The whole weight loss experience is tough, it’s hard to be overweight and look at yourself this way, but it seems even harder to actually do something about it.  Its feels like everything around us to made to encourage us to get fatter, the worse we feel the fatter we seem to get and the harder it is to lose, It’s an ugly circle.

It’s sad but true.  I hope that this will help.