Having a conversation with my son

I had a conversation with my son the other day.

it went like this :

Me on the computer just looking at stuff,  My son wanted to go to the Disney store site. So I went to the Disneystore.com

On the Disney website we were looking at the supper heroes,  and my son pointed to Iron man

MR: “mama, Iron Man, me, I Ironman.” , Me: “you are Ironman”

MR:”yes.  and you,  you captain America. see” ( he pointed to captain america); Me;  “that’s me? ” MR, “yes”

Me “what about dad?”  MR: “HULK,  daddy HULK”  ; basically saying like duh mama, of course

Me : “oh really Daddy HULK,?”     MR”Yes”

Me: “What about Sissy and brother, ”       MR ” Oh sissy spider man and brother, hammer”

Me” Hammer?, You mean Thor?”           MR ” Yes, Thor”

***So there you have it, in case you didn’t know,  you are talking to the Avengers Family.*****

Bet you didn’t know you were reading the blog of a famous super hero family!

For that Picture of the day….. and the picture is …..

To my kids

For My kids,  The Duddier and Little lady… Nothing better than having the best of both worlds…. My Princess and Tough little man….  It may be hard right now, and well it sucks almost everywhere.  But I have this…..

OMG.. I had an actual date night

So for those that don’t know, I have two kids,  2 young kids that is.  I have a now 3 year old ( as of 12/30) and a 1 year old.  So I don’t go out or get out much,  but not just because they are young but because we are broke and trying to recover financially from a job loss.

Well, thanks to an awesome friend and his niece, we were able to get out of the house and have a date.  our first date in like, I don’t know 3 years.  And not just any date, a double date ( our friend and his girl friend), with grown ups.  We were able to go out on a date and have grown up time too.  that’s right you read that correctly,  I was able to go out with my love and with our friends and have some adult fun.  ( we owe this date not only to our friends but family members for the wonderful gift cards they gave us)

What did we do you ask… well nothing big.  We went and had dinner at chick fil la ( yes I know not very romantic but easy on the budget and well I love Chick Fil La) and then we went out to a movie.  And not just any movie,  we saw …. The Hobbit,  yes we saw a 3 hour movie,  it was so great.  There were no pauses, diaper chances, babies crying or interruptions and I didn’t fall asleep in the middle either.  It was really exciting.  the only down fall,  it will be another year until part 3 comes out.

But I am so grateful for the 4 hours I had with just being an adult, being with friends and with my Love.  To have the time, even though so small, it keeps my sanity with all the diaper changes, crying and well life.

It may seem odd that this is a big deal for some, but it you are a parent you will understand, especially if you have more than one kid.  And if you are a LOTR fans (ringer) you really understand the excitement I feel about seeing part 2 of the hobbit and how horrible the wait is for me to see part 3.

On a side not with the movie: is it just me or did the guy that played Bard the Bowman look like and older version of Orlando Bloom‘s William Tunner character in Pirates.  Just saying.  For a moment I actually thought that PJ gave OB two parts in the film.

Day care time

Well the kids have been in day care for 3 weeks total, even though they were not really in day care for the 2nd week as they were so sick and we couldn’t take them.  Now the kids are feeling better, but not 100%. But this week brought us a dilemma.

The first week of day care went great; the kids seemed to like it and by kids I mean my son (my little lady cried her eyes out when we dropped her off and when we picked her up).  My son, actually, loved it.  He was excited every day and when we picked him up he would tell us no (he didn’t want to leave) and for us to leave, he wanted to play.  But by Friday he had started to get sick (and he had his first “accident” at day care, he tripped and fell and hit his head) and by Sunday it was full blown sick

So he missed day care almost all the 2nd week, we brought him in on Wednesday only to pick him back up as he started to run a temp again.  So we kept him home the rest of the week. The little lady went on Wednesday and Friday

Which brings us to this Monday…… We asked are son on Sunday if he was excited about going to school, he said no we asked him why , and being 2 he just repeated no.  We dropped it not thinking much of it. And then Monday came we dropped them off and he started to cry.  The kid that would push us to go and leave the 1st week was no crying for us to not let him go.

We of course left him, telling him the usually, go play with your friends and we will see you later, don’t worry you will have fun.  When I went to pick him up, we ran to me excited to see me (which was great) eager to leave and go home.

these actions continued on Tuesday and again today ( Wednesday)  and now I am worried to why all of a sudden does he not want to go,  did something happen that my little man can’t tell me ( that he is unable to express) or is this because he isn’t 100% better.  We asked him every day this week if he was excited to go to day care, and he said no.  We asked him if he had fun and played, he says play yes, and friends yes and then we ask him if he is excited about going tomorrow and he says no.  Very firmly no. We asked him every day this week if he was excited to go to day care, and he said no.  We asked him if he had fun and played, he says play yes, and friends yes and then we ask him if he is excited about going tomorrow and he says no.  Very firmly no.

Yes I am actually worried about this, and I don’t know what to do.  His first week went great and now this.  I don’t understand and I don’t know what to do to help him. I do wonder if this is normal for kids or if something is really wrong.  I am at a loss of what to do.

M&M for breakfast? as Kids story *warning parent about to talk about their child*

As I was making breakfast for the kids ( eggs , again) my fiance thought it would be great idea to give the kids some M&M’s has they wait.  Yep M&M’s first thing in the morning. I rolled my eyes at him and he just laughed at me then yelled for both kids.  Our 2-year-old, ran as fast as he could and obviously got there first,  so he got most of the M&M. But the best part:

The best part was when the our little lady scooted as fast as she could to the play table to get some.  she was able to grab three,  one she kept in her hand (which was the last one on the table),  and when my fiance asked her if she was eat it she just looked at him and smiled.  he told her to eat whats in her hand or give it to brother.  In which my 2-year-old son ran up to her hands open and said “me, mine”.  Right than the little lady took one hand out ripped out her pacifier and as quickly as possible put the last M&M in her mouth.  and then smiled a chocolate grin at her brother.  She sat back down and scooted back into the living room and left her brother hanging, hands and jaws open and all.

I think she got the last laugh on that one.

Picture of the day – for my son


today is for my son,  he did a great job today even if he couldn’t watch his minions on my phone ( no wifi)

It was a rough day, and even though things are rough, I refuse to back down as I know that I can’t afford too.  I Have my son and daughter to think of and take care of.

I love my kids they make it worth it.  



Day 2 of Week 1 revamp weight loss and health challenge.

Tuesday was okay, not great but okay

Like usual busy morning, all 3 of us (the kids and me) ate eggs (1 egg per person) and toast.  After breakfast and cleaning up the kids and picking up the house (by this time it was like 11:00) I decided to take the kids for a walk.  My 2-year-old insisted on walking all by himself, which was fine but ruins the ability to work off calories but it makes him happy,   we walked around the neighborhood and went all the way to the school ( which for a 2-year-old is pretty good).  On our way, back I was able to talk my son into sitting in the stroller so I was able to push my pace up and  work up a sweat.

When we got home, I found my little girl had fallen asleep during the walk so I put her down.  (By this time it was around 12:39)  I received a call from my fiancé who blew my eating plan right out the window.  He called stating was out class and he was on his way to Dazzo’s , ( Dazzo’s is a hotdog spot in Glendale, AZ,  it’s just awesome, melts in your mouth and straight to your hips or in my case adds to the fat around my belly).  Therefore, for lunch we all had hot dogs and french fries.  (In addition, I had two Oreo’s too), not proud of it but it sure did taste good.

For dinner I had a sandwich (ham, w/ mayo and some chips) , it’s this part of my day that sucks,  right now my fiancé is working a night schedule and is out work during dinner, we don’t get to do the family dinner like we used to.

After he got home, I went for another 30 min plus walk, which was about 9:30pm.

However, I only had 1 soda, and 1 4oz juice (apple) and the rest was water – that was an improvement

Tomorrow, (Wednesday) I plan to do some abs workouts along with arms.  I will do my walk in the mornings (possibly with kids)

My goal for tomorrow is to have 1 soda, up to 8oz of juice, the rest water, NO FAST FOOD TOMORROW!

wish me luck!


Day 1 of Week 1 revamp weight loss and health challenge.

Day 1 of revamp week, a bust in my opinion.

My weigh in was at 162.8 (at 5,0feet, which is obese)

I woke up late this morning thanks to the fact that my fiancé did not have to work until later in the afternoon and our children let up sleep in until 8:30am.  But after that, it was nothing but rushing in order to get out of the house.  Served the kids breakfast but forgot about myself.  Did laundry and a load of dishes.  Then I got the kids ready for a day of running around (loaded diaper bag and snacks for the kids, but didn’t bring anything for myself).  Went to the states job program today to pick up information on jobs and job fairs, came home with lots of packets full of jobs opening.  Due to the time we spent at the job place, we did not get home until 2pm, so I ate lunch then and put the kids down for like 15 mins, finished picking up the house and did another load of dishes and more laundry.  Do to my late lunch; I was not hungry for dinner so I didn’t eat.  But I did have 2 cans of soda today and 4 small starburst (only the red)

So in short, today is a bust, not eating is pretty bad for your body and actually causes your body to store the food you did eat and leads to eating more for your next meals.

I was able to get in a 45 min walk and did drink 4 glasses of water

Goal for tomorrow:

Eat all 3 meals plus two snacks, get up in time (7:30am) to walk, eat on time.  And do a work out at 3pm (30 mins); try to drink on 1 can of soda.

here’s hoping tomorrow will be better


weight Loss update #1

First week into my weight loss :

here is my update

I walked for a total of 1 hour yesterday, and once my fiance comes home I will be going for another walk and than doing 15 mins of jillian michaels.

My eating has been up and down,  Its not that i am eating a bunch at one time,  but i am snaking all day.  being home like this all day long really takes its toll on me and with the kids I can never sit down and actually eat.

I do think that house work should be considered a work out, cause bending down and getting back up and walking back and forth to the kids room and putting laundry in and out of washer and dryer and dishes in and out, is a lot of work.