How do you know you are a good parent…….

When your 3 year old knows who Harry Potter is….. Book and Movie.

example: I was flipping through the Channels ( and yes this is not normal right now as for the last 3 weeks we have been watching 2 movies non stop, and yes we just got done watching both of those) , any way flipping through the channel and my son stopped me and yelled Harry potter.  And when I looked at it, it was a scene in which Harry potter wasn’t even in, but yet my son knew the movie,

**** so, in short my son is loving harry potter****

But don’t think that all he does is watch TV,  he doesn’t.  actually its the opposite.  See when I say we watched Wreck it Ralph or Brave ,  I mean it was on, and we were doing something else.  See,  its back ground noise. Its actually a really bad habit, don’t know how to break.  we seem to need the back ground noise, and music doesn’t work for me.

On a side note,  we are reading ” how to train a dragon” series, and its awesome. We read a chapter a night almost.  we are now on the 2nd book. They are really good and I would recommend the to everyone.

See I enjoy reading but only things I like, or trip my trigger.  And I know that reading is good for children, but I can’t stand the kids book, with pictures and a word or two ( or sentence) on each page… those drive me nuts.  And to be honest Kids just need the reading right now, so I do books in which i can get involved with so my kids can watch and hear me get excited and into the book… i do this with hope that it may excited them when they are older.  But more importantly it teaches them new words and lets them use their imagination.

Right now its the Dragon series and when we are done and both kids are a little older we will move on to lemony snicket, and  The Harry potter series and then the ultimate seriers… Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

I know most think I should do the younger books in order to teach them to read, but that’s not me or how I work.  I read to me kids because its our time, this is something we can do together.  and we are experiencing it together.  But more importantly because they enjoy it and I enjoy it.  They will learn to read, but this is story time.  This is the time in which they can use their imagination.

to be honest I probably should have started with limony snicket and than dragons,  but oh well.

question of the day (maybe the week): Whats on the menu? Zombie style

Why do zombies have to eat humans,  why are we “the living” their main food choice?


If you watch a zombie film ( walking dead or resident evil) they are all like “zombies are re animated dead people who only act on the basic instinct of the need for food”. My question, why human meat.

I mean, if I died and came back to life… wouldn’t I still want pizza, why would I all of a sudden be like “mmm human flesh, got to get me some of that .”

what is wrong with Pizza , hotdogs, or hamburgers , why is the person that is eating the food is “what is on the menu”

Just a question

OMG.. I had an actual date night

So for those that don’t know, I have two kids,  2 young kids that is.  I have a now 3 year old ( as of 12/30) and a 1 year old.  So I don’t go out or get out much,  but not just because they are young but because we are broke and trying to recover financially from a job loss.

Well, thanks to an awesome friend and his niece, we were able to get out of the house and have a date.  our first date in like, I don’t know 3 years.  And not just any date, a double date ( our friend and his girl friend), with grown ups.  We were able to go out on a date and have grown up time too.  that’s right you read that correctly,  I was able to go out with my love and with our friends and have some adult fun.  ( we owe this date not only to our friends but family members for the wonderful gift cards they gave us)

What did we do you ask… well nothing big.  We went and had dinner at chick fil la ( yes I know not very romantic but easy on the budget and well I love Chick Fil La) and then we went out to a movie.  And not just any movie,  we saw …. The Hobbit,  yes we saw a 3 hour movie,  it was so great.  There were no pauses, diaper chances, babies crying or interruptions and I didn’t fall asleep in the middle either.  It was really exciting.  the only down fall,  it will be another year until part 3 comes out.

But I am so grateful for the 4 hours I had with just being an adult, being with friends and with my Love.  To have the time, even though so small, it keeps my sanity with all the diaper changes, crying and well life.

It may seem odd that this is a big deal for some, but it you are a parent you will understand, especially if you have more than one kid.  And if you are a LOTR fans (ringer) you really understand the excitement I feel about seeing part 2 of the hobbit and how horrible the wait is for me to see part 3.

On a side not with the movie: is it just me or did the guy that played Bard the Bowman look like and older version of Orlando Bloom‘s William Tunner character in Pirates.  Just saying.  For a moment I actually thought that PJ gave OB two parts in the film.

Its tomorrow and I am up….. Laundry

Okay so its tomorrow and I haven’t gone to bed…. I have laundry to finish, or we have nothing to wear tomorrow.

So what do you do at 12:39 am in the morning while waiting for laundry to finish…. well if you are me, you go on-line to check messages, posts and make a few post of my self, while watching flipping (between commercial) Doctor who and ( don’t judge me) Gypsy sisters.  Yep watching TLC’s Gypsy Sisters, yep that is what I am doing.  Don’t judge

On one of my side notes,  last night ( or last last night at this point,Christmas day) was the Doctor Who Christmas Special and saying that, all Doctor who fans who have been waiting know that it was Matt Smiths final episode as the Doctor.  And all I can say is …. David Tennant had a better farewell, but I still cried and was happy we got to see a little of Amy.  but really sad to see my doctor leave.

I started to watch Doctor who while I was on maternity leave with my son. In short January will be 3 years.  I know this very clearly as I took a nap on the couch with my son as we (by “we” I think we all know that I really mean me) was watching TopGear, and when I woke up my son was sleeping and the remote was on the coffee table and my son was comfy and refused to let me move without crying so Doctor Who started and I couldn’t change so I started watching and have been watching ever since.

So in short Doctor who has been part of my son’s life since he was born and in short part of my new life as a mom.  My MR even knows doctor who and the Tardis and every time he sees any of the doctors (9,10 and 11) he knows who they are ( for being almost 3) and when ever he see anything Doctor who related he screams” doctor who Doctor who”  ( he also does the says and does the same thing with Harry Potter stuff too). Personally my fav doctor is still tied between well my Doctor, Matt Smith, and of course David Tennant.  Oh how I will miss Matt Smith.  ( tear, tear).  but I will say,  I think they could have don’t a better job on his last episode, he deserved a better goodbye.

basically I doing a good job raising my son, so far.  As of right now he knows , Doctor who, HP, IronMan, Spider Man, batman, Hulk and Captain America.  I will be working on Lord of the rings (and hobbit) and Star wars ( he know Yoda, but that doesn’t count).

Yes I know I am nerd,  and a girl nerd at that.  But I proud of it.  I can’t help it, I love books, I love to read and I love my comics, and tv shows



****warning parenting post***

yeah I never said i was the best parent in the word.  or that i was even trying to be the best.  But I do love my kids

Anyway,  its like 10:30pm and my two-year old is still up and going strong.  He is actually sitting right next to me.  We are watching Doc McStuffins.  And next its Henry Hugglemonsters …… something tells me he isn’t going down anytime soon.  we are in for a night of Disney jr

and On a side note,  for being a boy and loving all things boy,  he sure does love Doc McStuffins.

Happy Sunday to all

ITS sunday!

Happy Sunday to All!

Watching Muppet Christmas Carol…. Alone again.  my son is walking through the house and trying to sneak chocolate and sister is following up along.  I have a bet with my fiance right now.  He is going to his mom’s house, says he will be back in 30 mins.  mmmm I don’t think this to be true, no I don’t… So i made him a bet …. And I know i will win.

On a side note,  watched jack and the giant slayer last night,  and it was actually pretty good.  it  was no oscar but it was still entertaining.  I think critics forget that the point of a movie is to be entertained not if it is oscar worthy.  the point is to take us away from everything for an hour or two and just entertain.  it did its job, I liked it.


Tonights Movie Night….. Its Teen night over at my house

tonight movie night is : teen night.  It is what happens when my 14 year step son is over.  its his choice ( within the p-13 area) ,  and tonight’s’ movie is : The Mortal instruments : City of Bones.

mi movie nifth


To be honest, I am happy about it, as I am a huge fan of the series and I guess was one of the few that liked the movie.  I honestly don’t understand why this movie wasn’t a bigger hit,  both the book and movie are 100% better than “The Twilight Saga” ever thought of being.  But hey what do I know,  It’s just my opinion.

Back, in (I think) March or May, I went to the book signing of the author Cassandra Clare, and they were promoting the movie at the time too,  so I got to see a sneak peek and was able to get a movie poster and a few other items.  To be honest, she was one of the more entertaining book signings I have been to.  I loved her and loved the book signing.

Anyway on to the movie / movie night….. It will be starting soon.  I believe this time, everyone ( short of the babies) will be staying up and watching,  instead of leaving me alone, like last night.

On with the family time and Movie night!


Doctor Who 50th – its starting !

In case you haven’t noticed today is the 50th anniversary of Doctor who, in that the season has started and we will soon meet our new doctor and learn about the past doctor (played by john hurt, which I can’t separate from “Hellboy“)

For starters:  go to, and you see that even they are doing something to celebrate the doctor.

I have been looking forward to this now for what seems like forever.  After this is over we will start playing Doctor who monopoly.  Yes I love the doctor and I am very excited about this event.


Here’s to you Doctor! And the end of Matt Smith, I will miss you as the doctor

.doctor who


So Long and good Bye to Blockbuster……..

Blockbuster announced that they will be closing their remaining stores, around 300 of them.  There are about 30 of them that are independently owned that will not be affected but in full, the age of renting movies or waiting in most cases to rent the new movie are over.  its kinda sad to think about it,  a part of my childhood gone.

I don’t know about your childhood but in mine we rented, when we had the money.  growing up with a single mom we didn’t have much money so once a month, ( we would save all month) we would order a pizza and rent a movie. back than this was a big deal for me and my (small) family.

Now, there is on demand, but it’s not the same.  doesn’t really have the same feeling like it did make in the day.


Goals – update

Goals update time!

I haven’t really been able to do much on most of the goals as they require money, AKA job, but things might be looking up

As for the main goal: Job

I think I actually might have one, find out confirmation tomorrow.  So for my goal “get a new and better job: total of 1 year from 09/16/13 (it might take a job change, hopefully not)” might be starting. It is for only $12.00 an hour, so sorry to say I might have to work on finding my dream job still.  But I can pay bill and take care of my family and that’s the important part.

Due to the pay of the job, my comic con goal will have to wait till 2015, but either way, I can always do Phoenix comic con.

on the plus it’s for a car dealership so I might get a discount and be able to get a job by 2014, I have a tax refund coming this year and I know I will need part of that refund to survive but I hope to be able to put some aside so that I can put down a down payment on a car.  We need it so bade.  Right now in the car dept. we are down to a 1986 f250 ford pickup, and if you know cars you know we are spending an arm and leg on gas (11 miles to the gallon), at this point any car is an improvement.

On a plus side, if everything goes as planned tomorrow, I can be getting my DL next week!

And the weight issue, the only good news is that I don’t gain weight.  I weigh in tomorrow but I am not holding my breath. But I think a lot of my problem is the amount of stress I have been under.  I hope that with a job and some of the weight of doom being lift off of me, I can focus more on this.

I believe that this is it for right now.  I let you know when I have more.

Picture of the day – New work out plan , with help from “The Doctor”

doctor workout


I figured this is perfect,  what i can do is a Doctor Who Marathon, Starting with the 9th doctor ( ep 1) to the current doctor.  i figured that by the time this season starts I will be a pretty good shape.

See all i had to do is see the “Doctor”



Parent and child influence – nerd/Geek training

just something that is a little funny.  i was watching BBC america and something came on for doctor who, and my 2-year-old son came running to me screaming in excitement,  “doctor who doctor who mama”  ,  he was giggling,

Yep ,  being a nerd/Geek is contagious or is it in the blood, Not sure. I got to say i think i am doing a pretty good job.  It started with Harry Potter, Ironman, Hulk and Captain America , Now its doctor Who I think he is old enough for “Star Wars” now.  Pretty soon it will be my little girl next.  I can just imagine it now,  Luke and Leia for Halloween in a couple of years.

Nerd/Geek children on the best!

career day : what did you want to be

Growing up we are asking what do you want to be, what do you want to do.  We are asked this from the time we start school, preparing us for the day in which we choose our career, our job and enter into adulthood.

Most kids would answer cop, doctor, actor/actress, singer, teacher, vet, president, army/military and the list can go on and on.  When I was asked I said” I didn’t know”, I was too afraid to be laughed at or call stupid for what I wanted to be.

Everyone would ask me what seemed like the same questions in the same order: “Alysia, would do you what to be, what type of things do you like?”  I would reply “animals I guess”.  And they would reply with the same questions “how about a Vet”?  I would immediately answer, “No, I don’t want to watch animals die or put them down or watch them in pain”, their next suggestion would be to ask “what about a zoologist” It felt like it everyone was following the same note cards on what to ask next.  Again, I answered the question but this time I was getting more aggravated “No, I don’t want to work in the zoo” What seemed to be the next logical question for them was “, what about an oceanographer”?  At this point I would be done with the conversation and either say “No” again or “Whatever you don’t care and are not listening “and I would drop the conversation and walk off.  But eventually I would cave in and say “sure”, knowing that I will never do it but it will shut them up.

It’s seemed like it was a requirement for all adults to ask the same questions to all kids, almost to drill it into their head.  The questions: “What do you want to do?”, “you have to want to do something, how will you make money and where will you live”.  these questions aggravated me as how does anyone know what they want to do at such a young, when you are constantly being reminded that you don’t know anything as you haven’t experienced life yet. Kinda hypocritical if you ask me.

The reality was I did not want to be anything that was being offered, I did not want to do any of those things.

What I wanted to be was a vampire (I do not mean twilight stuff, I grew up in the 80’s, Vampires kick ass then), or mermaid (like in “splash”), or something magical.  What I wanted was not real, But I didn’t care,  It was better than the other options given to me.

Growing up all I did was live in my own world, my imagination ruled all.  It helped me when I was lonely or sad.  I would spend every waking moment just making things up in my head and at night I would imagine my bedtime story, it would play out in my head like a movie.

Don’t get me wrong ,  I am no story-teller,  I can’t tell a story worth a damn but I can imagine almost anything and watch it play out in my head.  I am no writer; I am not creative or articulated enough to be able to put my thoughts down on paper.  So I don’t even try to write them down and I am too afraid of someone finding it if I was to write them down.  I am too embarrassed and scared of being made fun of so I don’t tell anyone about what Imagine or make up in my head.

But my whole family knew I day dreamed all the time.  My great-grandmother would tell my mother “don’t you stop her from imagining, let her be, she has a great imagination.”  She was the only one that spoke up for me on it.  Everyone else would tell me to pull my head out the clouds, get back down to reality and to grow up.

Looking make now, someone probably should have actually pulled me out of the clouds and put down to earth, as tell this day I spend more time in the clouds than on the ground.  till this day I have no idea what I want to do or what field I want to go in,  I am just doing “working” to pay my bills.  I think of all these jobs out there and none of them sound fun or fulfilling in any way.

When you dream of unicorns, fairies, vampires and mermaids, being a doctor, teacher, cops, or zoologist isn’t that exciting.  Life almost seems like you are just walking through it as if it’s a commercial and I am just waiting for that moment in which I can turn my imagination back on and just dream.

That’s the bad part of about daydreaming and imagining different things is that what’s in my head is far better than what is down here.  The only thing that keeps grounded now are my kids, they only thing better than what I can actually imagine.  Since having them my dreams have changed or altered a bit.  But never less I still do live a lot in lala land (as my dad would say to me growing up)

I do wonder if my parents forced me to focus more and kept me grounded if I would have turned out different but I guess it’s too late to tell.  Now I just live in a land of disappointment of the real world and wish for another world full of magic, wonder, and enchantment.


picture of the day – enchantment



This is Scotland ( at least that is what the picture says).  and if so Oh my,  its is amazing , Looking at this is like watching a fairy tale.  No wonder they filmed Potter here.

Right now looking at pictures like this is my escape, almost like a vacation I can’t afford to go on.  One can dream ! I would say i am adding this on my list of places to visit but it was already on there as Scotland and England share the same land.

To bad i can get paid to visit place like this,  That would be an awesome job!


Video Games I would like movies made of

I read a post on my facebook page regarding the rumor of a Zelda movie ( which would be awesome) and it made me think of video games that  I would love for them to make or in some cases remake in movies,  and taken seriously.  No B or D flick.  I know its possible for them to make a great video game movie , it can be done, it may seem impossible but if they can bring the first Star Wars movies to the big screen, they can do these ( and lets face it, back in the 70’s no one would have thought of how good these would have been until they came out, they were far beyond their time).  I know that most of us gamers’ have been left disappointed and cringe the very thought of a video game being turned into a movie ( after the last few that came out ) but I still hold out for that perfect video game movie.

Video Games that I think should be taken seriously and made into movies ( no D flick)

1) Zelda –  this would be killer awesome,  I think they would have to start from the beginning.

2) Final fantasy ( live action)  – heck they can just do a live action of the  Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children movie  ( i already have the cast picked out in my head since this movie hit the us)

3) Splinter cell – this was in the talks for a while but do to “issues” the film has been abandon

4)a tie between BioShock and Skyrim – both of these would be awesome, very difficult but awesome ( the budget alone needed for these is a reason they might never do them)

5) Bloodrayne –  Yes I know its been done, but it sucked,  and should have been pulled before it hit theater,  Everything was wrong with it.  the films killed the game. This deserves another shot. I call for a reboot.

honorable mention to American McGee’s Alice / Alice Madness returns: It would be wicked to see this. an adult version of Alice.

***** please note that Uncharted was not listed as there have been talks of them doing a film,  I read some where  that a proposal  was written and at one point they thought of Mark Wahlberg playing the lead, but due to creative difference that Idea has been smashed,  but there are still talks going on with it****

weight loss goal for comic con

My goal for weight loss is for several reasons,  one reason is that I have a bunch of cloths that i bought prior to my sons birth, and I never really got to wear them and I would like to before I no longer can for age reasons.  And I hate shopping, and being over weight doesn’t make the experience any better.

Another reason i want to loose weight, i want to go to comic con in costume.  that’s right I was to dress up, and they don’t really make costumes for the fluffy like me.  well at least none i would like to see.  I am not wanting to hang it all out,  I just don’t want to have to figure out how to hide it all.

So, comic con seems to be a pretty good goal to hit,  and a pretty good reward for getting in shape and healthier


Being Mom

Being just mom right now has been great but stressful.  I miss the grown up time.  I honestly can’t remember the last time i was able to actually watch one of my shows during the day…. As of right now my channel is stuck on Disney or Disney Jr.  My laughs come from Jesse, Good Luck Charlie or Shake it up.  and our mornings belong to Jake, Sofia and Doc.  By breaks are with tinker bell and Mickey.

Regardless if the kids are watching TV or in their room playing, you can always hear Disney.  and God save you if you think about changing the channel,  the kids will let you have it.

I have lost complete control,  I am own and operated by my children.  with a Disney logo branded on my forehead

here’s to you Disney Jr and Disney

disney JR

picture of the day : Paris in rain



I always wanted to travel.  I don’t really know where I want to go ,  I just want to be somewhere else.  I would love just to pack up my bags and just go … just go anywhere.  I wish I was brave enough just to go,  to be someones postcard in the mail.

I don’t mean like on a vacation,  I mean to actually travel, to be able to go anywhere and live anywhere.  Just to have that ability to back up and pick a new home.

I guess now I use the excuse that i have kids and no money,  but to be honest i have always had some sort of excuse.

I would love to see Paris , Ireland, England, just to escape to Europe.  i so wish I could just pack up and go,  I wish it was just that simple.

Some day I guess

New addiction : Zombies ( well not the zombie part)

I have a new addiction : Plants Vs Zombies

Yes I know I am more than likely late on the whole thing but I am loving it.  I don’t know what it is about this game but it is addictive.  and I can’t stop playing it.  (granted its been a total of like 60 mins since I first started but Still can’t stop playing it)
