weight loss disappointment

I find the whole weight loss process to be full of disappointment.

I hate dieting and refuse to do it.  If you are thinking that I hate to exercise too, you are actually wrong.  I love to walk, I love being active.   I walk around 30 mins or more each night (which is probably why I don’t why more).  If I had more time I would actually exercise more.  But I find having two kids makes it difficult as they are always right there,  each kids on one side of the legs holding on,  preventing me from doing anything,  it’s like a cruel game they play on me.

Instead of dieting and exercising, I want to do something different.  I want to change the way I eat,  what I eat and the way I live.  I want to change my life style. If I just diet than all I am ever doing is dieting, and my weight will always go up and down. I don’t want to be going through this my whole life, I want to be healthy, and not have to worry about my weight.

I am going to go see a dietitian to help make meal plans and talk about the issues I am having.  As when you spend your whole life throwing carbs and fat down your throat your body has a tendency to crave these types of foods, and it turns into a type of addiction, leads which leads to failure. The only way to succeed is to break the addiction

The whole weight loss experience is tough, it’s hard to be overweight and look at yourself this way, but it seems even harder to actually do something about it.  Its feels like everything around us to made to encourage us to get fatter, the worse we feel the fatter we seem to get and the harder it is to lose, It’s an ugly circle.

It’s sad but true.  I hope that this will help.

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