Weight loss goal… deadline approaching

So my deadline is approaching and even though I lost around 20 pounds so far,  I still have like 40 more to go.  and Just two months left…. EPPPPP!

I guess it is time to get serious about all this and actually get on with all this, I know what I need to do, but it is just hard. Well I guess it just easier to say it is hard, compared to getting off my butt and actually doing something about it.

But I will lose this and I will lose more weight before the 2 months is over ( hopefully if lucky I will lose another 20 pounds!)

okay, I guess it time to take this seriously and get on with this weight loss,

and with that said,  I need to think of something to do to make some money to buy some new cloths for the “new body” I am getting.

When saying that,  I will tell you after loosing 20 pounds there is a lot of skin, there and it’s not going back to what it was.  and I am hoping it will like, I don’t know, shrink, if possible.  Please say its possible, oh please.

On a side note, been demanding a few things recently on if I should be posting some pics , before and after.  But right now I am a little scared, I don’t want to be made fun of for showing all the gore, that it is the fat of my belly.

Either way here goes nothing,  good bye to the weight, you will no longer own me.  I will be healthy again.

on the issue of my weight…. yes I know the topic you all have been waiting for

So last time I posted , a real post on weight I was at 149.8, and then the holiday’s hit and I started well going down another path. By Another path , I mean stressed out and well a little depressed.

After the holidays, I went to about 150,  and now,  well now  I am … weight for it ( get it weight , and wait, haha crack my self up)

wait for it

are you ready for it….. I mean are you ready for it 

I am down to 145.4 pounds ….

So to answer the question that has been floating around your mind.  Yes I am still trying to lose weight. No I have not given up.  Yes I am working at it all the time.  I have just over a month left.  I know I might not make my goal, but I think I am doing a good job.

I am trying to figure out my next phase of my work out.  I know I need to take it to the next step, but I just well, have been enjoying the few hours I have with my children,  I know I need to work something out but I like playing blocks and cars and princess.  I can’t help it.  But don’t fear, I will figure something out.  I always do.

Oh and for one of my side notes;  next month, yes February,  we are planning on cutting bad carbs for a month from our diets to see how that goes.   By bad carbs I mean bread, noodles, white rice and pastries.  that means no hamburger buns, pizza, cakes , cookies , soda, bagels and chips.  I will still eat the good stuff, you know fruits and veggies.

But don’t worry I will let you know how it goes.  If you have any suggestions please feel free to let me know…….

weight weight and oh yeah my weight

Ummmmm haven’t weighed my self lately …..or did measurements.  I have been kind of pushing them off.  as I have been well busy and stressed ( more stressed than busy).

I have not stopped working out, or trying to lose my extra baggage of weight that i carry around.  its been the holidays and my schedule is off right now.  I know that my well deadline is approaching and I have a lot of weight to lose, but I haven’t given up and I won’t.  I know that slow and steady is what I have to do,  and I know that to actually start loosing more weight I need to change what I am eating as a whole.

But don’t worry I will make it and I will make my goal.  I am not one for giving up. Complaining and whining yes, bitching and moaning the whole way, well yes that is me.  Giving up, nope, to stubborn for that.  I will lose all this fat and I will do it the right way, in hopes that changing my whole eating habits and being more physically will keep the weight off and will help me in the end lead a healthier life.

So here’s is to next week ( Tuesday, that is) for my current weigh in and measurements for the new year.

and the numbers are…….. drum roll please

last week was 152.8 pounds ……..this weeks numbers are ……

are you ready for it

I mean R U READY!!!!!!

scale 151



that’s a loss of 1.8 pounds.  I know not a huge amount but its a loss and I am thrilled that it’s over a pound.

But at this rate, it will be a year by the time I reach my weight goal. a pound a week…… well I happy about it.

ohhhhhh, I snuck a peek……..

I couldn’t help it,  as I was getting in the shower, I snuck a peek.  I couldn’t help it.  The scale was there,  just looking at me,  mocking me,  enticing me.  It told me to do it.  I couldn’t resist.

So I did it.  I pulled it out, Closed my eyes, and stepped on it.

Than I opened my eyes….. and well………………I was pleasantly surprised.

I will let you know tomorrow during the weigh in



Final week of November weigh in

well it’s that time of the week for my weigh in

and its …… 152.8,  about a .4 oz loss.  but in short not a real loss.

but the good news…. I didn’t gain any weight over the holiday.  I know I was surprised I expected to at least gain a pound but I didn’t.  So I will consider this a win for me ( point 1 me )

With this win,  I bring up the failed weight loss goal for the month of November.  As you might remember at the beginning of the month I stated I wanted weigh in the 140’s. Well that didn’t happen,  but I am okay with it.  I will try hard this month.

Now this month goal is going to be a lot harder,  I am going to try to lose …. wait for it, wait for it

13 pounds,  enough for me to be in the 130’s.  I am trying to put down a meal plan schedule and a work out schedule.

I will post shortly,  and if you have any ideas please share,  anything to lose this fat would be great!

but in all, I would like to point out I have now lost 10 pounds

weight loss goals for this month and this week

It’s Sunday, and I have some work to do next week to ensure my weight loss goals for the month of December.

My last weigh in was 153.  Which was great, and I am so happy. I am now down to my pre pregnancy weight of my daughter, and now I want to be down to the pre pregnancy weight of my son,  and after that the pre relationship weight and then finally , down to the pre pregnancy weight of my first child,  leaving me at around 110.

My weight loss goal for November was more than likely not meet, but between being sick and the whole family being sick and thanksgiving, I am just hoping right now I haven’t gained anything after this week.

My goal last month was to hit below 150.  Well I am close and really shocked I made it this far.  But this month I plan on losing even more weight.  I would like to get to as close as I can to 140.  This is my weight goal for this month.

And my plan to reach it is:

To work out.  Not just to work out, but to work out on my arm, abs and chest. In short my problem areas.

And I plan to work on my eating a little more.  See during the week I have a really good structure, as I have a schedule that I work around.  But on the weekend, I, well run around with like a chicken with their head cut off.  In short, no structure, and no schedule to follow, so I eat basically whenever and whatever I can get my hands on.  And this has to stop.

So this week I will be making a meal plan for all 7 days, and I will follow this schedule. By doing this it will help with giving me a schedule to follow.

In short my goals: work out and make a meal plan,

My weight loss goal for this week, to lose 3 pounds (get to the 140’s and out of the 150’s)

I will update shortly with the meal plan and workout plan.


its WEIGH IN TIME! and its time for the measurements

As you all may be aware of, I was really sick last week and I missed my weigh in.  When I finally weighed myself I didn’t count it  as I was sick and as we know we tend to lose weight being sick.  In short last week’s weight didn’t count.

But regardless of last week I am do for a weigh in today and my make-up measurements too…..

soooo da da da da daaaaaa daaaaaa daaaaaa daaaaaaa………………………..

This week……………………….


Yep, I look like I haven’t gained anything back yet.  Actually I lost 0.8 pounds (ounces).  This could be due to me still recovering but I will take it.

Now for the measurements

My old measurements measurement: Neck 15″Shoulder 48Chest 42”; Arms L R 13 ” waist 42 (sad day when your chest and waist are the same) butt/hips 43″, thigh L 23 r 24″, calf L 15″ R 16′

New: Neck 14.5, shoulder 44″ chest 40.5″waist 39″Arms L&R 13″butt.hip, 42″thigh R 22 L 22.5, R 15.5, L 15.5

So in all, I lost everywhere.

I can tell you that my cloths that I bought right before I got my job are fitting different. It feels like I am thinning out more on my bottom half that my top half, even though the measurements speak differently.  I think my biggest issues are my arms and stomach (abs) area.  I will need to start working those areas out a lot more.

For my goal, I think I am doing well.  I still am hoping to meet my (4 months from now) goal of weighing 110, but my long-term goal of eating healthier is doing really good.  I haven’t just cut down on the amount of food I eat but also the types of food.  I have slowed down (but not stopped) eating fast food.  My soda consumption has gone down dramatically and I am drinking more water.

Right now my every day diet is pretty basic.  I eat apples and cheese and crackers for both breakfast and lunch, with either 1/3 of soda or a small juice box for a drink ( and drinking water throughout the day).  For Dinner I eat chicken (in any form, including sandwich or chicken burger) or fish. And I will drink maybe another 1/3 of soda, milk or juice.

In short I am wasting a lot of soda, and trying to substitute soda for juice.  And recently discovered that drinking a glass of milk has more calories than the small about of soda I have been drinking, but on the plus it does have some vitamins in it.

I have also been walking a lot.  On Monday, Tues and Thursdays I ride the bus to the kid’s day care center, pick them up and walk from their day care to our house, which is almost 3 miles and on Wednesday and Fridays I walk from the bus stop to my house which is almost 2 miles.

I will have to figure out some small work outs that I can do on my arms and abs in order to lose some more inches off of those places.

I know that this week will be tough, sort of, but I have my goal in place and seeing it actually work has been helping me stay focused.  Also, I am not a fan of turkey and sweets, my only problem will be staying away from the mashed potatoes and bread.

Wish me luck and happy thanksgiving to all.

weigh in missed this week………due to sickness

As you can tell I missed my Monday weigh-in but for a good reason ,  I have been and still am sick.   well actually the whole family is sick.   I was incredibly sick on both Monday and Tuesday which is why the weigh in was missed.  The kids are still really sick,  and have already gone to the ER once and have a doctor appointment tomorrow, fevers are still up for them and show no real sign of going down,  the down side of day care I guess.  I am still sick but I am finally eating some, so I am getting better.

But as for me,  I missed my weigh in and even though I can tell you now what my weight is today, we all know that weight would be incorrect as it is influenced by my sickness.  which means by next week I would have gained some of that weight back .

So that you do know what it is, its 153.8.

but keep in mind that this will more than likely go up by next weigh in.

In short no real loss this week for me,  but keep tuned in for next week.

Weigh in time……… and my weight for this week is

I know you are all sitting on pins and needles, just wondering what my weigh in this week is.  well wait no more the time has come and my weight is……

last Monday 161.4

and this week start weight is…..

are you ready for it



that’s right, you read that correctly,  I now weight 158.2, that’s a 3.2 pounds , and I believe that’s pretty good.  For a moment there I was afraid I wouldn’t have lost anything or worse, was back to 162.  So it looks like i am headed in the right direction.

So far my weight loss total is 4.6 pounds

My goal weight for the end of the month is to be in the 140’s ( even if that means being 149 pounds and 11 ounces, as long as I am in the 140’s)

Also today I managed to walk a total of 2 miles … I know amazing ,  tomorrow will be the same,  i figured if i walked around 2 mile for 4 of the 7 days this week it could help.

I am doing pretty good on the soda ,  Not drinking as much,  but I have to make sure that i drink lots of water.

I am really hoping things will keep up and I will stay on target, and well we might me looking at another great week.