Goals – for a new month… week 1 of Nov

Goals for the week

as it is the first week of this month,  November, I am setting my self some goals.  well I am setting weekly goals in general.

so for this week,

I will finish up with my child care stuff

I will keep up with the 1 soda a day thing – no I am not cutting it out completely yet,  It will take some time.  Caffeine is an addiction and it takes time

I will stay happy and not let the stress of it all get to me.  I know this week will be tough,  between the new job and the kids ( I will miss my kids after 3 1/2 months at home with them) , I know it will take its toll but I will need to be strong and take each day at a time.

I will start looking at each day as a blessing

I will start making plans for my future. and get caught up on my bills.  I will figure out some way to become current so I don’t lose my house and everything I worked so hard for.

I will walk a mile each day

I will not eat fast food ( I ate fast food twice last week,  not proud of it but I did)

I will keep my calories controlled and do my best to stay on a good eating regiment

I will finish the laundry up and dishes ( by Sunday)

and last but not least , the most important , I will keep focus on my goals in order to achieve each goal.


Goals for this week (Monday 10/28 to Sunday 11/3)

I am going to make some small goals for myself each week, this will hopefully help with being able to obtain the big goals.

goals for this week

1) drink only 7 sodas this week – which will be 1 soda a day

2) no fast food, all week-long…. this one will be hard as the fiance likes to stop and get some on the way home…

3) walk a mile a day

4) Try to take care of my DL by the end o the week

5) hopefully get a job –  until I actually start my first day, I am not considered  employed

6) try to keep calm ( don’t yell or take out issues on other people) and remember that things will happen and nothing is worth having if it’s not worth fighting for……….don’t beat myself up as I can’t control everything.  and Remember to breathe

7) long shot…. get the almost 2-year-old potty trained

8) get child care taken care of….

9) finish the laundry

and I think that this is it for right now……. wish me luck ,  I will need it.

Busy end of the month!

last week of the month and its busy

This is the week I find out for 100% if I have the job ,  I won’t say i have it as i don’t really believe that I do, until my first day.

I am going to have to set up Daycare next week for my children,  which sucks as My little Lady has never been in daycare ( she was at home the entire time) We are going to check out one last place ( re check out actually) and than if its a yes, do all the paper work needed to enroll.

I hope to get my DL this week,  i have no problem passing the written test, but I am so scared of driving that I never had the balls to actually take the driving test.  But part of my goal is to grow up and face my fears.  so hear we go facing my fear.

My weigh in is tomorrow and I don’t believe that I have lost any weight and I am scared of the weigh in,  but I know I have to face it and I need to loose weight

I quit smoking and drinking ( not that i was a drinker, but it just isn’t healthy)  when i got pregnant with my son,   i almost lost my son when he was born and i can’t imagine loosing him because I die due to my unhealthy life style.  I want to be part of my son’s life ,  not sitting on the side line watching it happen from a distance,  So I will loose this 60 pounds and prove to my self and my son about eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle.

here is hoping next week is productive and an all around good week.



Thursday – is childcare day

I have no idea if I have a new job or even close to getting one, but I thought that I would start to look for childcare and get the kids ready just in case as their old sitter can no longer watch them.

I have a very busy day ahead of me , and going to see a couple of places, by myself as their father has work and school that day ( great excuses to get out of it, I know)

I keep telling my self this will be fun and great,  but I don’t think so,  nothing seems fun about this really,  drag 2 kids along to several places where other kids are crying and screaming and toys all around them,  this will be great.

either way,  i look forward to the day in which i can actually put my children in child care so I can go to work.

I am not the stay at home type of mother,  I love my kids and I wish i could afford it but I can’t. So this is the only next to best thing i can give them.

Hoping tomorrow goes great and I get lucky and find the place that will be the best for them and teach them the most

Something a little New

This is something a little new for me and I am not sure how well it will work.  But,  I have been told that I need to try new things and I need to come out of my shell.  So, here goes nothing! My blog will represent my life as it is right now. I will document my job search, my weight issues ( and hopefully weight loss), my adoption and family.  This blog will be a representation of me.