Oh my Thursday…..Its Over

Well I am glad today is over….

and In case you don’t know what that means… It means… Its Friday!  which means Its the weekend!

ITS THE WEEKEND!  well at least it will be once I get off of work.

oh and a side note, I am now down to 144 pounds

yep yep…. I am actually a little shocked!

Also on a parenting note,  potty training is hard. I mean it, really hard.  I don’t know what I am doing.  and I don’t know what I am doing wrong.  The hardest part… keeping calm, and reminding myself,  he is a baby and doesn’t understand.

For example Yesterday at daycare our sons Teacher told us this.

MR was playing outside during recess,  and well he had an accident. and he doesn’t like his accidents, so he didn’t want to be wet anymore.

in case you don’t know what is going to happen,  let me just skip to the part the teacher noticed.  MR ran up to her and handed her his shoes, socks, pants and underwear.

and than turned around showing his little naked butt and went to run back to the juggle jim.

Yep he was naked from the bottom down,  but he wasn’t done playing so he tried to run back and play. She had to grab him and try not to laugh, and tell him he couldn’t run around naked in from of people.

Yeah,  my son the nudist….. the teacher could barely keep herself from laughing as he described what happened.


Lost blog from Last week : Day care…. SUCKS

day care humor

On a side note today…..Day care sucks…… I say this as my children have been in daycare since November 2013, 3 months.  and my little lady is sick again.  but this time she has Hand Food and Mouth.  Which if you don’t know what it is, let me educate you.  its sores on your hands and/or fee and/or mouth ( and anything attached to the mouth such as throat) and/or all over the body.  They are very pain full for the poor victim and horrific for the parents watching their innocent child suffering with it.  Why you ask? well it’s because there is nothing that any one can do…. you just got to sit it out and watch your little baby girl go through hell.

Oh how it sucks and oh how I wish I could do something, anything to help her.  But now there is nothing.  Yes I have given her tylenol and ibuprofen but lets face it that doesn’t really do anything and I am lucky enough that she is now 1, as I can now give her honey (which seems to be working the best on her poor throat) but still I feel horrible that I can help her.

I curse you day care,  I curse you !

Day care time

Well the kids have been in day care for 3 weeks total, even though they were not really in day care for the 2nd week as they were so sick and we couldn’t take them.  Now the kids are feeling better, but not 100%. But this week brought us a dilemma.

The first week of day care went great; the kids seemed to like it and by kids I mean my son (my little lady cried her eyes out when we dropped her off and when we picked her up).  My son, actually, loved it.  He was excited every day and when we picked him up he would tell us no (he didn’t want to leave) and for us to leave, he wanted to play.  But by Friday he had started to get sick (and he had his first “accident” at day care, he tripped and fell and hit his head) and by Sunday it was full blown sick

So he missed day care almost all the 2nd week, we brought him in on Wednesday only to pick him back up as he started to run a temp again.  So we kept him home the rest of the week. The little lady went on Wednesday and Friday

Which brings us to this Monday…… We asked are son on Sunday if he was excited about going to school, he said no we asked him why , and being 2 he just repeated no.  We dropped it not thinking much of it. And then Monday came we dropped them off and he started to cry.  The kid that would push us to go and leave the 1st week was no crying for us to not let him go.

We of course left him, telling him the usually, go play with your friends and we will see you later, don’t worry you will have fun.  When I went to pick him up, we ran to me excited to see me (which was great) eager to leave and go home.

these actions continued on Tuesday and again today ( Wednesday)  and now I am worried to why all of a sudden does he not want to go,  did something happen that my little man can’t tell me ( that he is unable to express) or is this because he isn’t 100% better.  We asked him every day this week if he was excited to go to day care, and he said no.  We asked him if he had fun and played, he says play yes, and friends yes and then we ask him if he is excited about going tomorrow and he says no.  Very firmly no. We asked him every day this week if he was excited to go to day care, and he said no.  We asked him if he had fun and played, he says play yes, and friends yes and then we ask him if he is excited about going tomorrow and he says no.  Very firmly no.

Yes I am actually worried about this, and I don’t know what to do.  His first week went great and now this.  I don’t understand and I don’t know what to do to help him. I do wonder if this is normal for kids or if something is really wrong.  I am at a loss of what to do.

Goals – for a new month… week 1 of Nov

Goals for the week

as it is the first week of this month,  November, I am setting my self some goals.  well I am setting weekly goals in general.

so for this week,

I will finish up with my child care stuff

I will keep up with the 1 soda a day thing – no I am not cutting it out completely yet,  It will take some time.  Caffeine is an addiction and it takes time

I will stay happy and not let the stress of it all get to me.  I know this week will be tough,  between the new job and the kids ( I will miss my kids after 3 1/2 months at home with them) , I know it will take its toll but I will need to be strong and take each day at a time.

I will start looking at each day as a blessing

I will start making plans for my future. and get caught up on my bills.  I will figure out some way to become current so I don’t lose my house and everything I worked so hard for.

I will walk a mile each day

I will not eat fast food ( I ate fast food twice last week,  not proud of it but I did)

I will keep my calories controlled and do my best to stay on a good eating regiment

I will finish the laundry up and dishes ( by Sunday)

and last but not least , the most important , I will keep focus on my goals in order to achieve each goal.


Busy end of the month!

last week of the month and its busy

This is the week I find out for 100% if I have the job ,  I won’t say i have it as i don’t really believe that I do, until my first day.

I am going to have to set up Daycare next week for my children,  which sucks as My little Lady has never been in daycare ( she was at home the entire time) We are going to check out one last place ( re check out actually) and than if its a yes, do all the paper work needed to enroll.

I hope to get my DL this week,  i have no problem passing the written test, but I am so scared of driving that I never had the balls to actually take the driving test.  But part of my goal is to grow up and face my fears.  so hear we go facing my fear.

My weigh in is tomorrow and I don’t believe that I have lost any weight and I am scared of the weigh in,  but I know I have to face it and I need to loose weight

I quit smoking and drinking ( not that i was a drinker, but it just isn’t healthy)  when i got pregnant with my son,   i almost lost my son when he was born and i can’t imagine loosing him because I die due to my unhealthy life style.  I want to be part of my son’s life ,  not sitting on the side line watching it happen from a distance,  So I will loose this 60 pounds and prove to my self and my son about eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle.

here is hoping next week is productive and an all around good week.



Thursday – is childcare day

I have no idea if I have a new job or even close to getting one, but I thought that I would start to look for childcare and get the kids ready just in case as their old sitter can no longer watch them.

I have a very busy day ahead of me , and going to see a couple of places, by myself as their father has work and school that day ( great excuses to get out of it, I know)

I keep telling my self this will be fun and great,  but I don’t think so,  nothing seems fun about this really,  drag 2 kids along to several places where other kids are crying and screaming and toys all around them,  this will be great.

either way,  i look forward to the day in which i can actually put my children in child care so I can go to work.

I am not the stay at home type of mother,  I love my kids and I wish i could afford it but I can’t. So this is the only next to best thing i can give them.

Hoping tomorrow goes great and I get lucky and find the place that will be the best for them and teach them the most