question of the day (maybe the week): Whats on the menu? Zombie style

Why do zombies have to eat humans,  why are we “the living” their main food choice?


If you watch a zombie film ( walking dead or resident evil) they are all like “zombies are re animated dead people who only act on the basic instinct of the need for food”. My question, why human meat.

I mean, if I died and came back to life… wouldn’t I still want pizza, why would I all of a sudden be like “mmm human flesh, got to get me some of that .”

what is wrong with Pizza , hotdogs, or hamburgers , why is the person that is eating the food is “what is on the menu”

Just a question

Lost 13 pounds!Felt great, than…… I went to the store, and It all went down hill

This morning i was like “Yay I lost 13 pounds“,  I was so Happy,  And like” Yay, look at me, can you tell”.  I was even able to button and zip a pair of jeans on today that I haven’t worn since before my son was born.  The Pants were size 7, and they zipped up, granted they didn’t really fit, as my belly hung over (sorry for the thought) but the point is it is a step in the right direction.

So,than I went to the store, cloths looking ( it’s like shopping but at the end you don’t buy anything, price checking), thinking I lost weight might buy something,  than I passed a mirror,(ewwwe) and then I started noticing other people, and then looked back at my self.  And that thought I had this morning, thinking I lost weight and look at me, went out the window. And I wanted to hide.

Yep, 13 pounds down but still fat.  It wasn’t the boost in self-esteem I was looking forward to.  And it didn’t help that I was also called old ( which I am not, I am only 32 years old, that’s young, it must be cause I am fat and it makes me look older).  So in short the high I had of loosing weight this morning, fell flat bottom and left me knocked out.

it was a bad day yes, but it is a reminder that I do have a lot of weight to lose.  13 pounds down and another 49 pounds to go.  and I have like 3 month to reach my goals (side note: I hope my skin goes back to normal……sorry for the thought again)

Happy Sunday to all

ITS sunday!

Happy Sunday to All!

Watching Muppet Christmas Carol…. Alone again.  my son is walking through the house and trying to sneak chocolate and sister is following up along.  I have a bet with my fiance right now.  He is going to his mom’s house, says he will be back in 30 mins.  mmmm I don’t think this to be true, no I don’t… So i made him a bet …. And I know i will win.

On a side note,  watched jack and the giant slayer last night,  and it was actually pretty good.  it  was no oscar but it was still entertaining.  I think critics forget that the point of a movie is to be entertained not if it is oscar worthy.  the point is to take us away from everything for an hour or two and just entertain.  it did its job, I liked it.


Day 3 and day 4…… mixed days

hello To all

today is Day 4, which is my relax day…..

but day 3 is what I am here to write about.  where do I start with day 3…. well first, I was actually filling the work out in my abs, when I coughed, It hurt.  When I bent down, It hurt,  actually any movement with my abs involvement, I actually felt it.

So in short I think that they are working, at least for my abs.  But nothing , and I meant nothing in my arms.  It feels like I haven’t done anything at all.  It might be because, I can’t do a push up to save my life.  either way, It doesn’t feel like anything is happening with them.

I do notice a little that I have lost weight,  but my stomach, well that’s another story.  I still have my gut,  the huge gut, that looks like I am pregnant or been downing a 6 pack of beer every day since I was 21.  This is the part the really brings me down.  I know I have had 3 kids, ( Two in the past 3 years)  but, I feel like it won’t leave.  Picture it this was,  right now I am a size 10 and they are loose on the legs and gets loose on the hips, but my stomach, yeah that belly’s over the pants. Now you think muffin top,  but think a little bigger.

If you are guessing that I am a little depressed, you are right.  All day today my pants would slide down,  but my shirt, still showed my fat belly.  It’s hard to say I have lost weight when all I see is that.  I know that this will be an uphill battle,  but I am hoping that at the end of it I will be able to wear cloths again and not feel like a fat cow.

well tomorrow, is day 5 ….. another 2.6 mile walk, and more abs and arms. ….. wondering though if I should try something new or different with arms.

Half way through my Saturday – getting ready for cooking

It’s 11:30am,  I am cleaning my house, as obviously even though I am getting back into the swing of things at work, my family already got into the grove of me being gone and has left my house a disaster.  So i am cleaning and cleaning and cleaning.

Once I am done we are going to do a quick walk through of the choices of recipes and then off to the store to buy the ingredients that we need.

I am trying to do something easy, healthy ( non fat, good for you food) ,  new, different and never tried,  but more importantly something I have to make from scratch.

Again before I can do any of that I need to clean my house………. but first lunch,  broccoli and cheese.mmmmmmm

M&M for breakfast? as Kids story *warning parent about to talk about their child*

As I was making breakfast for the kids ( eggs , again) my fiance thought it would be great idea to give the kids some M&M’s has they wait.  Yep M&M’s first thing in the morning. I rolled my eyes at him and he just laughed at me then yelled for both kids.  Our 2-year-old, ran as fast as he could and obviously got there first,  so he got most of the M&M. But the best part:

The best part was when the our little lady scooted as fast as she could to the play table to get some.  she was able to grab three,  one she kept in her hand (which was the last one on the table),  and when my fiance asked her if she was eat it she just looked at him and smiled.  he told her to eat whats in her hand or give it to brother.  In which my 2-year-old son ran up to her hands open and said “me, mine”.  Right than the little lady took one hand out ripped out her pacifier and as quickly as possible put the last M&M in her mouth.  and then smiled a chocolate grin at her brother.  She sat back down and scooted back into the living room and left her brother hanging, hands and jaws open and all.

I think she got the last laugh on that one.

Goals for this week (Monday 10/28 to Sunday 11/3)

I am going to make some small goals for myself each week, this will hopefully help with being able to obtain the big goals.

goals for this week

1) drink only 7 sodas this week – which will be 1 soda a day

2) no fast food, all week-long…. this one will be hard as the fiance likes to stop and get some on the way home…

3) walk a mile a day

4) Try to take care of my DL by the end o the week

5) hopefully get a job –  until I actually start my first day, I am not considered  employed

6) try to keep calm ( don’t yell or take out issues on other people) and remember that things will happen and nothing is worth having if it’s not worth fighting for……….don’t beat myself up as I can’t control everything.  and Remember to breathe

7) long shot…. get the almost 2-year-old potty trained

8) get child care taken care of….

9) finish the laundry

and I think that this is it for right now……. wish me luck ,  I will need it.

weight loss disappointment

I find the whole weight loss process to be full of disappointment.

I hate dieting and refuse to do it.  If you are thinking that I hate to exercise too, you are actually wrong.  I love to walk, I love being active.   I walk around 30 mins or more each night (which is probably why I don’t why more).  If I had more time I would actually exercise more.  But I find having two kids makes it difficult as they are always right there,  each kids on one side of the legs holding on,  preventing me from doing anything,  it’s like a cruel game they play on me.

Instead of dieting and exercising, I want to do something different.  I want to change the way I eat,  what I eat and the way I live.  I want to change my life style. If I just diet than all I am ever doing is dieting, and my weight will always go up and down. I don’t want to be going through this my whole life, I want to be healthy, and not have to worry about my weight.

I am going to go see a dietitian to help make meal plans and talk about the issues I am having.  As when you spend your whole life throwing carbs and fat down your throat your body has a tendency to crave these types of foods, and it turns into a type of addiction, leads which leads to failure. The only way to succeed is to break the addiction

The whole weight loss experience is tough, it’s hard to be overweight and look at yourself this way, but it seems even harder to actually do something about it.  Its feels like everything around us to made to encourage us to get fatter, the worse we feel the fatter we seem to get and the harder it is to lose, It’s an ugly circle.

It’s sad but true.  I hope that this will help.

day 3 of my restart week

As i reach day 3 of my restart week, I am still struggling with staying positive.

I am now 3 months into unemployment and I am struggling to find a job.  ( that I can commute to)

I am having problems staying on any type of work out, weight loss , eating correctly regiment.  I think is do to the large about of stress I am under. I have no eaten through almost all my money.  I have made the decisions not to pay mortgage this month as i don’t have enough money for all the bills and mortgage.  I know that if I don’t have a job my the end of this week or beginning of this week i will not be able to afford any of the bills next month.

But the surprising thing is that even with all this stress i am still happier now than I was when I was working for my last job.

Last night i was talking to one of my former coworkers and we were talking about “the place” and she was telling me things that were happening and It just made me happier that I no longer work there.  I miss some of my co workers but really i can do with out some of them.  but i don’t miss the company,  I don’t miss working for them.  I wasn’t happy there, I felt used and unappreciated.

I know i am happier that i was,  and i just hope that I can find another job very quickly.  i hope that my dream job is out there and i will find it someday.