today’s post/blog

Yes I know, lame title but here it goes

Yes I am still loosing weight,  I am at 142 right now,  which is good,  I am not loosing it as fast but I am also not walking 3 miles a day right now.   But regardless, I am loosing weight.  My goal is still going on,  just not as focused on it.

I know I haven’t been writing that much,  i can’t help it.  Its been busy and stressful over here.  With trying to get my finances in order and also, I guess with trying to find my self in all,  I have been pre occupied.

I didn’t want to bore anyone with all the what do I do with my life, and self discovery ( or lack there of ).

My days right now seem to roll into each other,  and I am trying to keep my self focused on my main goal:  my future ; permanent career.   Which I still don’t know what it is.  I am not sure if I think it’s just going to land in my lap or really wishing it would.  Like one day I bump into someone and they are like ” you know what you would be good at” and I have an opening right now,  willing to train for a high paying job”  yeah like that is ever going to happen.  But I guess one can dream or hope, or pray for the most absurd thing possible.  Like winning the lotto…. I guess it does happen for some.

right now I am enjoying being a parent and all that comes with it, such as the 3am puke storm.  Yep this happen twice this week, both kids at about 3 am, two different nights. I think they planned it.  I swear these kids are working against us,  its like  WWE tag team match.  while you are dealing with one the other sneaks up behind you with a metal chair and hits you when the ref isn’t look.  sly little kids.  I guess this is what they meant by ” be careful what you do to your parents as your kids were do it back but twice as bad”

My biggest problem lately is staying focused.  My ADD is really acting up with the chaos going on around me.  I am having a hard time focuses on one thing and actually completing a task.  Not sure what to do about it.

My good new is that my son as figured out that there is more than 2 movies to watch.  Now the movies have grown from just wreck it Ralph and Brave, to include Arthur Christmas, Hotel Transylvania, Pirates and band of misfits , and Planes.  So I guess my viewing pleasure has improved if not my sanity.

which leads me to ask,  how is it that these people come up with the stories.  I guess all those nerds and geeks who were made fun of in school are laughing all the way to the bank.  Who cares if you can play a sport or who was voted the most popular with creativity like this.  Sorry but writers, gamers, geeks and nerds are much cooler and have way better jobs when they get older.

have you ever thought you are living in a movie

Have you ever felt that you were living in a movie….

Right now I am 32 years old and I feel like I am living in the “office space” and ” this is 40″.   Is this normal????

Sorry for the confession, let me rewind

I ( by I, I mean we) got the kids to bed on time and started watching “The Is 40” ,  and have been laughing my (excuse my language) Ass off.  Not because it is funny ( cause it is, funny that is)  but because so much of the two main characters relationships seems to be mirroring ours.  which is funny and scary as I am only 32 ( not even 40 yet) and this seems to be what we have to look forward to.  but with out the money….

anyway….. between my everyday working life seeming to be like waking up into the movie “office Space” ( a little less at this job than my last job).  the only difference is we don’t have the fax machine from hell that we want to break, its a big copier that can’t seem to do its job ( I hate this big machine,and would like to take it to an open field and smash it with my baseball bat)  and after work I seem to be walking into the movie “this is 40″….. ( minus the teenage problems and the fact that I am not even in my 40s)

oh my life…. its complicated and I love it. ( problems and all,  I know I have to kept reminding myself of this, but I wouldn’t change it)

okay I think I should go!  have a good night to all.

question of the day (maybe the week): Whats on the menu? Zombie style

Why do zombies have to eat humans,  why are we “the living” their main food choice?


If you watch a zombie film ( walking dead or resident evil) they are all like “zombies are re animated dead people who only act on the basic instinct of the need for food”. My question, why human meat.

I mean, if I died and came back to life… wouldn’t I still want pizza, why would I all of a sudden be like “mmm human flesh, got to get me some of that .”

what is wrong with Pizza , hotdogs, or hamburgers , why is the person that is eating the food is “what is on the menu”

Just a question

OMG.. I had an actual date night

So for those that don’t know, I have two kids,  2 young kids that is.  I have a now 3 year old ( as of 12/30) and a 1 year old.  So I don’t go out or get out much,  but not just because they are young but because we are broke and trying to recover financially from a job loss.

Well, thanks to an awesome friend and his niece, we were able to get out of the house and have a date.  our first date in like, I don’t know 3 years.  And not just any date, a double date ( our friend and his girl friend), with grown ups.  We were able to go out on a date and have grown up time too.  that’s right you read that correctly,  I was able to go out with my love and with our friends and have some adult fun.  ( we owe this date not only to our friends but family members for the wonderful gift cards they gave us)

What did we do you ask… well nothing big.  We went and had dinner at chick fil la ( yes I know not very romantic but easy on the budget and well I love Chick Fil La) and then we went out to a movie.  And not just any movie,  we saw …. The Hobbit,  yes we saw a 3 hour movie,  it was so great.  There were no pauses, diaper chances, babies crying or interruptions and I didn’t fall asleep in the middle either.  It was really exciting.  the only down fall,  it will be another year until part 3 comes out.

But I am so grateful for the 4 hours I had with just being an adult, being with friends and with my Love.  To have the time, even though so small, it keeps my sanity with all the diaper changes, crying and well life.

It may seem odd that this is a big deal for some, but it you are a parent you will understand, especially if you have more than one kid.  And if you are a LOTR fans (ringer) you really understand the excitement I feel about seeing part 2 of the hobbit and how horrible the wait is for me to see part 3.

On a side not with the movie: is it just me or did the guy that played Bard the Bowman look like and older version of Orlando Bloom‘s William Tunner character in Pirates.  Just saying.  For a moment I actually thought that PJ gave OB two parts in the film.

Family night, turned into alone time?


Its family movie night, or so I thought.

I got off of work early today, 5 pm with being picked up instead of a bus ride home, and we picked up my stepson (from his moms) and our kids ( from daycare) and than we went to Costco to get a few things and dinner, what else but Pizza.  *****its friday and friday for me means Pizza, this has been tradition for me since I was a kid****

Came home, made the pizza and thought cool family time.  Turned on the tv for our movie,  ABC family is showing ” The Muppet Christmas Carol” ,  which is great.  At least I thought,  but some how what was to be movie night turned into me sitting in the front room myself before I knew it.

First, my 1-year-old little lady,  fell asleep in my arms ( 7:15pm) so I put her down.  Next some how my fiance went into the other room to go on the computer,  he left just as I put her down,  when I came back out from laying her down he was gone.

I sat back down,  this time just me, my Step son and my little MR. as I was getting into the movie, MR was gone (735),  it turned out he walked into the bedroom and laid down and went to sleep with his baby sister.

So it was just me and my step son, so I though.  It turns out 14-year-old don’t want to watch the Muppets or a Christmas carol.  On to his nook with him and into the other room ( his bed room).  This left me alone, by myself,  watch the movie at 8pm.  Within an hour it went from family time and movie to little old me by myself.

mmmmmm…. I guess there goes family movie night.   knew this would happen at  some point, I just thought I had some more years.  Oh well,  I will watch the Muppets Christmas Carol by myself then.   They don’t know what they are missing.

So Long and good Bye to Blockbuster……..

Blockbuster announced that they will be closing their remaining stores, around 300 of them.  There are about 30 of them that are independently owned that will not be affected but in full, the age of renting movies or waiting in most cases to rent the new movie are over.  its kinda sad to think about it,  a part of my childhood gone.

I don’t know about your childhood but in mine we rented, when we had the money.  growing up with a single mom we didn’t have much money so once a month, ( we would save all month) we would order a pizza and rent a movie. back than this was a big deal for me and my (small) family.

Now, there is on demand, but it’s not the same.  doesn’t really have the same feeling like it did make in the day.


Video Games I would like movies made of

I read a post on my facebook page regarding the rumor of a Zelda movie ( which would be awesome) and it made me think of video games that  I would love for them to make or in some cases remake in movies,  and taken seriously.  No B or D flick.  I know its possible for them to make a great video game movie , it can be done, it may seem impossible but if they can bring the first Star Wars movies to the big screen, they can do these ( and lets face it, back in the 70’s no one would have thought of how good these would have been until they came out, they were far beyond their time).  I know that most of us gamers’ have been left disappointed and cringe the very thought of a video game being turned into a movie ( after the last few that came out ) but I still hold out for that perfect video game movie.

Video Games that I think should be taken seriously and made into movies ( no D flick)

1) Zelda –  this would be killer awesome,  I think they would have to start from the beginning.

2) Final fantasy ( live action)  – heck they can just do a live action of the  Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children movie  ( i already have the cast picked out in my head since this movie hit the us)

3) Splinter cell – this was in the talks for a while but do to “issues” the film has been abandon

4)a tie between BioShock and Skyrim – both of these would be awesome, very difficult but awesome ( the budget alone needed for these is a reason they might never do them)

5) Bloodrayne –  Yes I know its been done, but it sucked,  and should have been pulled before it hit theater,  Everything was wrong with it.  the films killed the game. This deserves another shot. I call for a reboot.

honorable mention to American McGee’s Alice / Alice Madness returns: It would be wicked to see this. an adult version of Alice.

***** please note that Uncharted was not listed as there have been talks of them doing a film,  I read some where  that a proposal  was written and at one point they thought of Mark Wahlberg playing the lead, but due to creative difference that Idea has been smashed,  but there are still talks going on with it****