Its tomorrow and I am up….. Laundry

Okay so its tomorrow and I haven’t gone to bed…. I have laundry to finish, or we have nothing to wear tomorrow.

So what do you do at 12:39 am in the morning while waiting for laundry to finish…. well if you are me, you go on-line to check messages, posts and make a few post of my self, while watching flipping (between commercial) Doctor who and ( don’t judge me) Gypsy sisters.  Yep watching TLC’s Gypsy Sisters, yep that is what I am doing.  Don’t judge

On one of my side notes,  last night ( or last last night at this point,Christmas day) was the Doctor Who Christmas Special and saying that, all Doctor who fans who have been waiting know that it was Matt Smiths final episode as the Doctor.  And all I can say is …. David Tennant had a better farewell, but I still cried and was happy we got to see a little of Amy.  but really sad to see my doctor leave.

I started to watch Doctor who while I was on maternity leave with my son. In short January will be 3 years.  I know this very clearly as I took a nap on the couch with my son as we (by “we” I think we all know that I really mean me) was watching TopGear, and when I woke up my son was sleeping and the remote was on the coffee table and my son was comfy and refused to let me move without crying so Doctor Who started and I couldn’t change so I started watching and have been watching ever since.

So in short Doctor who has been part of my son’s life since he was born and in short part of my new life as a mom.  My MR even knows doctor who and the Tardis and every time he sees any of the doctors (9,10 and 11) he knows who they are ( for being almost 3) and when ever he see anything Doctor who related he screams” doctor who Doctor who”  ( he also does the says and does the same thing with Harry Potter stuff too). Personally my fav doctor is still tied between well my Doctor, Matt Smith, and of course David Tennant.  Oh how I will miss Matt Smith.  ( tear, tear).  but I will say,  I think they could have don’t a better job on his last episode, he deserved a better goodbye.

basically I doing a good job raising my son, so far.  As of right now he knows , Doctor who, HP, IronMan, Spider Man, batman, Hulk and Captain America.  I will be working on Lord of the rings (and hobbit) and Star wars ( he know Yoda, but that doesn’t count).

Yes I know I am nerd,  and a girl nerd at that.  But I proud of it.  I can’t help it, I love books, I love to read and I love my comics, and tv shows


Season Greetings

Hello To All

Season Greetings………

I hope that you all had a great “Merry” Christmas,  and that you all were able to enjoy and spend time with your family and friends (as this is what the holiday’s are about).  And more importantly I hope that your holidays were safe…….

No weigh in this week…. Its Christmas, and next week is the month end weigh in and measurements. I am going to enjoy this week and the rest of the year.



Happy Holidays

So this holiday sucks for us right now,  but I know it is sucking for a lot of people,  so whining about it seems a little stupid.

I ( by I, I mean we,  and we is my fiance and me) are taking the kids out ( hopefully) to Zoo lights tonight. And than I am going to cook breakfast and we have free movie tickets from last year.  So we will take the kids a movie, Frozen.

I know its small but its all we can do right now,  I just hope I am not damaging them for the rest of their lives

Lost 13 pounds!Felt great, than…… I went to the store, and It all went down hill

This morning i was like “Yay I lost 13 pounds“,  I was so Happy,  And like” Yay, look at me, can you tell”.  I was even able to button and zip a pair of jeans on today that I haven’t worn since before my son was born.  The Pants were size 7, and they zipped up, granted they didn’t really fit, as my belly hung over (sorry for the thought) but the point is it is a step in the right direction.

So,than I went to the store, cloths looking ( it’s like shopping but at the end you don’t buy anything, price checking), thinking I lost weight might buy something,  than I passed a mirror,(ewwwe) and then I started noticing other people, and then looked back at my self.  And that thought I had this morning, thinking I lost weight and look at me, went out the window. And I wanted to hide.

Yep, 13 pounds down but still fat.  It wasn’t the boost in self-esteem I was looking forward to.  And it didn’t help that I was also called old ( which I am not, I am only 32 years old, that’s young, it must be cause I am fat and it makes me look older).  So in short the high I had of loosing weight this morning, fell flat bottom and left me knocked out.

it was a bad day yes, but it is a reminder that I do have a lot of weight to lose.  13 pounds down and another 49 pounds to go.  and I have like 3 month to reach my goals (side note: I hope my skin goes back to normal……sorry for the thought again)

Growing up and still waiting on my fairy Godmother…. I think I was lied to

This morning, Disney was playing Cinderella, and I stopped doing what I was doing long enough to see the part where Cinderella is crying after her evil step sisters‘ destroy her dress and the Fairy Godmother appears to say her day and make her into a beautiful ” princess”  and as I watched it dawn on me I was lied to.

I think I watched every Disney princess movie growing up, and i yet to have met my Fairy Godmother to save my day,  or ‘someone’ to fix all my problems or help me out ( no dwarfs, no magical sea witch, no woodlyn creatures, or any fairy godparents).

Damn fairy tales and Disney, leading me on my entire life……..  where’s my happily ever after and big castle. I am waiting!!!!!!!


****warning parenting post***

yeah I never said i was the best parent in the word.  or that i was even trying to be the best.  But I do love my kids

Anyway,  its like 10:30pm and my two-year old is still up and going strong.  He is actually sitting right next to me.  We are watching Doc McStuffins.  And next its Henry Hugglemonsters …… something tells me he isn’t going down anytime soon.  we are in for a night of Disney jr

and On a side note,  for being a boy and loving all things boy,  he sure does love Doc McStuffins.

wait what…. I lost what this last week!!!!!! Can I get a Whoop Whoop!

mmmmm weigh in was yesterday,  and guess who got on the scale.


Thats right me and the scale are getting a long very well..

My new weight 149.8.  mmmmmmm good right

Can I get a whoop whoop

Last week I was at 151, so that means I lost ….. 1.2 pounds…..

I have been lacking on my work out,  It turns out that I am not a morning person and I don’t want to get up to exercise… So I will be starting all over tomorrow morning from step one.

New week and hopefully new outlook……. hopefully

Well today is the start of a new week –  and its like a week before christmas too  and I am going to try to have a new outlook.  And I am hoping that that outlook is a good one.

I know that this past week I have been feeling pretty sorry for myself.  And along with that it has made me  more depressed and angry ( very angry).  But I can’t be like that, its look good for my kids, my family or my life.  I am trying to find a way to be a little bit more cheerful.  Not sure how yet but I need to try.  It all starts with me and my outlook.  ( in short if I think bad, bad things will happen, so if I start to think good things, hopefully good things will happen)

oh and on a side note,  I won $4.00 on the powerball.  yeah us, got our money back.  Yes, I am still hoping and praying for the lotto.  I can’t help it, It seems to be what you do when you are poor.

So here is hoping for a better week and a more positive outlook on things.

Happy Holidays



Happy Sunday to all

ITS sunday!

Happy Sunday to All!

Watching Muppet Christmas Carol…. Alone again.  my son is walking through the house and trying to sneak chocolate and sister is following up along.  I have a bet with my fiance right now.  He is going to his mom’s house, says he will be back in 30 mins.  mmmm I don’t think this to be true, no I don’t… So i made him a bet …. And I know i will win.

On a side note,  watched jack and the giant slayer last night,  and it was actually pretty good.  it  was no oscar but it was still entertaining.  I think critics forget that the point of a movie is to be entertained not if it is oscar worthy.  the point is to take us away from everything for an hour or two and just entertain.  it did its job, I liked it.


Picture of the day ( week) – a rainy day in Oxford, England

london rain oxford


Picture of the day………. Oxford England.  It’s very pretty.  Trying to cheer my self up.  I know I have said it before, and I will say it again.  Oh how I wish I could go to this country,  It looks so pretty.  Right now I wish I could just pick up my family and run away, and I would make my first stop England……… Oh how I wish I could.

well, still feeling the same, yup

I have been having my ups and downs all week.  I have come to the conclusion that this holiday season will be hard, unless I win the lotto.  In short, It will be hard. ( I don’t have good luck, and never win when I play, so the chances of things changing…. slim to none).

I don’t have the answers right now,  and I don’t know what we are going to do.  There is no miracle that will happen in the next 12 days,  It’s just the hard cold true.  It the reality of the situation.  I know I am not the only one who is facing this situation right now.  I know its hard on a lot of us.  But, it doesn’t knowing that doesn’t make it better, and I still fill alone in all of this.

Though I am trying to put on a happy face, and to be honest my smart ass sarcasm helps.  I can’t help it,  It’s like it’s in my DNA.  When things get rough in our family we have a habit of crying and laughing at the bad things,  trying to find some sort of humor in it all.

The humor in this is ………. well, I am not sure.  It’s not funny that we can’t afford much right now, but we do make fun of it.  we joked about giving coal to my step son and telling that santa put him on the naughty list because of his grades,  but he just shock his head…. he knows santa is not real and just told us “whatever” “HAHAH” “I know you guys are just joking” ( imagine that with the teenage boy voice and attitude).

We were thinking about selling some stuff over here,  but we can’t figure out what to sell as we don’t really having anything.

So in short we are not at a cross roads , but at a bridge in which has fallen apart and we are looking for something to fix it with so we can get to the other side, and having a hard time doing it. ( sigh)

oh well, to keep my mind off of it right now,  We are watching “The Hobbit part 1″ ( and secretly wishing that we could afford to go to the theater to see the new one)

Today, Today, Today…….MMMMMMmmm Not a good day I say

Well, today was a bad day.  bad day as a mother, I guess.

I have a job I like,  just not the pay.  And this is the problem.  Or part of the problem.   I make around 1k less,  and this digs deep into our ability to provide for our family.

I just found out today that I wouldn’t get paid for thanksgiving and the day after thanksgiving.  This check that I just received today, I was hoping to be able to but its short.  which means I am short on funds.

I knew that It was a long shot, but I was hoping. And I know its stupid to be upset over something like this,  but I was hoping, just hoping that I could pull it off.

I know I shouldn’t be whinnying over material items, such as Christmas presents, But there is no worse feeling to feel for a parent to know that you let your kids down,  especially on a holiday like Christmas.  Yes my kids are 3 and 1, but I also have a stepson who is 14 and a stepdaughter who is 12. and my little boy is 3 and he knows about Santa and has been surprisingly talking about Santa for the last couple of weeks.  And I feel like I have failed them.

it really sucks right now.  I feel like a really big failure.  I don’t know how to tell them that we can’t do it this year, and i don’t know they will react.  Kids shouldn’t have to deal with thing like this.  I really don’t know what to do, and nothing seems to be right, like there is no right answer.

how do you tell kids that there is no Christmas,  I feel like the Grinch.

it just sucks, really bad, really sucks .

Day 3 and day 4…… mixed days

hello To all

today is Day 4, which is my relax day…..

but day 3 is what I am here to write about.  where do I start with day 3…. well first, I was actually filling the work out in my abs, when I coughed, It hurt.  When I bent down, It hurt,  actually any movement with my abs involvement, I actually felt it.

So in short I think that they are working, at least for my abs.  But nothing , and I meant nothing in my arms.  It feels like I haven’t done anything at all.  It might be because, I can’t do a push up to save my life.  either way, It doesn’t feel like anything is happening with them.

I do notice a little that I have lost weight,  but my stomach, well that’s another story.  I still have my gut,  the huge gut, that looks like I am pregnant or been downing a 6 pack of beer every day since I was 21.  This is the part the really brings me down.  I know I have had 3 kids, ( Two in the past 3 years)  but, I feel like it won’t leave.  Picture it this was,  right now I am a size 10 and they are loose on the legs and gets loose on the hips, but my stomach, yeah that belly’s over the pants. Now you think muffin top,  but think a little bigger.

If you are guessing that I am a little depressed, you are right.  All day today my pants would slide down,  but my shirt, still showed my fat belly.  It’s hard to say I have lost weight when all I see is that.  I know that this will be an uphill battle,  but I am hoping that at the end of it I will be able to wear cloths again and not feel like a fat cow.

well tomorrow, is day 5 ….. another 2.6 mile walk, and more abs and arms. ….. wondering though if I should try something new or different with arms.

guess who is walking!!!!!!


now that you have been warned

My little Lady is walking, well sort of walking.  She gets up,  stands there for a little and takes a few steps and either grabs on to something and continues ( with holding on) or she just sit down.

I know she is over 1,  to be exact she is 14 months. And to be honest my son walked at 10 1/2 months.  But she is my little girl, my baby, and since I am not wealthy ( and from the looks of it never be) she is my last.  So she will always be my little baby.

Right now she is my little baby walking,  not much of an actual baby anymore.

go little lady go


and the numbers are…….. drum roll please

last week was 152.8 pounds ……..this weeks numbers are ……

are you ready for it

I mean R U READY!!!!!!

scale 151



that’s a loss of 1.8 pounds.  I know not a huge amount but its a loss and I am thrilled that it’s over a pound.

But at this rate, it will be a year by the time I reach my weight goal. a pound a week…… well I happy about it.

Day 2 of the 30 day workout / challenge

DAY 2 – my 30 day work out / challenge

well this morning started out rough,  I didn’t want to get up, but regardless I did.

As I woke up late and was tired, I only did the work out.  No warm up or cool down,  just got up and did my abs ( 8 crunches, 8 leg raises and one 12 second planks) than on to my arms ( 8 shity/half ass push ups, 8 dips, 15 biceps, 15 seconds of punches) and that was that this morning.

after work and picking up the kids, we ( and by we, I mean the kids in the stroller) walked home from the day care.  Yep at 2.6 mile walk.

But the down fall of today….. I was so busy at work, I forgot to eat.  which in case you guessed it, means when I got home I stuffed my face.  I eat a chicken sandwich, a small thing ( microwave able) mac and cheese,  and a bowl of cereal.  Yep I shoved all this into my mouth within an hour.

and for my evening work out….. well since I didn’t do my warm up  or cool down this morning and I shoved a crap load of fat, carbs and calories down my throat, I decided to do my warm up , with a small about of cardo ( with help from Jillian Michaels) with my evening work out.

nerveless, I followed my work out plan and did my day 2 of my plank challenge.  ( with each plank I was thinking, goodbye belly,  goodbye fat, over and over in my head)

I am tired now and off to bed.  I am hoping tomorrow I will get up in time to do the full work out with the warm up and cool down.

ohhhhhh, I snuck a peek……..

I couldn’t help it,  as I was getting in the shower, I snuck a peek.  I couldn’t help it.  The scale was there,  just looking at me,  mocking me,  enticing me.  It told me to do it.  I couldn’t resist.

So I did it.  I pulled it out, Closed my eyes, and stepped on it.

Than I opened my eyes….. and well………………I was pleasantly surprised.

I will let you know tomorrow during the weigh in



Day 1 of the 30 day challenge – of work out ( Sunday December 8 2013)

Day 1 completed….. it wasn’t too hard,  So I guess i am not that out of shape.  Or more than likely the mile plus walks I do during the week have helped me get into some shape.

the morning started out late, as it’s the weekend so no getting up early here.

My morning work out started like this

Warm up help w/ Jillian Michael’s Kickboxing warm up and 30 day shred warm up ( level 1), from there I went straight into my abs.  5 crunches, 5 leg raises, and 1 ten second plank.   after that was completed I did another round of warm up ( thanks to Jillian Michaels) and then off to my arms  with 5 (half ass) push ups, 5 ( not sure if I did them right) dips, than 10 biceps  curls ( really easy), than a fish with 10 secs of punches.

than for my warm down , again help from Jillian again….. I finished with no problems.

ahhhh the morning completed with no problems – and it took maybe 20 mins, between getting everything ready to getting everything put away.

to be honest a little too easy.

Now for the evening work out. – repeated the above ,  well sort of ,  Not so much on the warm up, at least not as long on the warm up.

but in all the same,  the planks were easy.

In short for my plank challenge I did 5 planks with a 20 second hold per each Plank and 20 seconds between each plank.

in all not bad and feeling nothing right now,  but today was easy. We will see how I feel at the end of the week.

Tonights Movie Night….. Its Teen night over at my house

tonight movie night is : teen night.  It is what happens when my 14 year step son is over.  its his choice ( within the p-13 area) ,  and tonight’s’ movie is : The Mortal instruments : City of Bones.

mi movie nifth


To be honest, I am happy about it, as I am a huge fan of the series and I guess was one of the few that liked the movie.  I honestly don’t understand why this movie wasn’t a bigger hit,  both the book and movie are 100% better than “The Twilight Saga” ever thought of being.  But hey what do I know,  It’s just my opinion.

Back, in (I think) March or May, I went to the book signing of the author Cassandra Clare, and they were promoting the movie at the time too,  so I got to see a sneak peek and was able to get a movie poster and a few other items.  To be honest, she was one of the more entertaining book signings I have been to.  I loved her and loved the book signing.

Anyway on to the movie / movie night….. It will be starting soon.  I believe this time, everyone ( short of the babies) will be staying up and watching,  instead of leaving me alone, like last night.

On with the family time and Movie night!


As a whole……….My workout plan in full

In full my work out plan is 30 days long and will focus on my arms and abs, in short my problem areas. And I have made a challenge for myself, “The Plank Challenge” ( 30 days).

My arms and ab work outs will be done in the mornings and evening,  along with a small 15 min warm up(before)/cooldown( after),  this is to get the muscles warm, which will make the work out more effective and prepares the body for the exercise and  also more importantly prevents injuries .  The warm up is basic ( and is done before the actual work out) stretching, jumping jacks, running in place, fake jump rope, and  arm circles.   The cool down is basically just stretching again,  to prevent any injuries happening after the work out.

In short there is no point in exercising if you are not going to do it right, because all you are going to do in injury yourself and put yourself in a worse situation.

Well here it is my 30 day work out plan…… Now for the meal plan( looking less forward to the write up of this)

24 day challege 30 day arm challenge

In the evening I Plank,  right after I finish my workout, but before cool down.plank

The 30 day plank challenge – Part 1 of the plan


The Plank challenge ( this part of the challenge will be done after work)

believe it or not this little thing is a hard one.  It requires a great deal of strength,  In your abs and thighs.  And if you think its easy after trying it,  you are morning than likely doing it wrong.  You back must be flat, and you are supporting your self by your abs.  Not easy for someone like me, who has had 3 kids and the last one being a c-section.  ( But on a side not,  during the c-section, after the baby came out,  the doctor was kind enough to sew my ab muscles back together, Thanks docs)

The Challenge :

Day 1 – 5 –   20 seconds planks
Day 2 – 10 – 20 seconds planks
Day 3 – 5 –  30 seconds planks
Day 4 – 10- 30 seconds planks
Day 5 – 5 –  40 seconds planks
Day 6 – REST
Day 7 – 5 –  45 seconds planks
Day 8 – 10 – 45 seconds planks
Day 9 –  5  –  60 seconds planks
Day 10 – 10- 60 seconds planks
Day 11 – 10 – 60 seconds planks
Day 12 – 5 – 90 seconds planks
Day 13 – REST
Day 14 – 5 – 90 seconds planks
Day 15 – 10- 90 seconds planks
Day 16 – 5 – 120 seconds planks
Day 17 – 10- 120 seconds planks
Day 18 – 5 – 150 seconds planks
Day 19 – REST
Day 20 – 5 – 150 seconds planks
Day 21 – 10 – 150 seconds planks
Day 22 – 5- 180 seconds planks
Day 23 – 10- 180 seconds planks
Day 24 – 5- 210 seconds planks
Day 25 – 10- 210 seconds planks
Day 26 – REST
Day 27 – 5 – 240 seconds planks
Day 28 – 10 – 240 seconds planks
Day 29 – 5 – 270 seconds planks

So the moment I have been dreading…. Putting the plan in place!

I have been holding off on this and pushing it off all week,  Because I know what this means.  Putting this plan in place means……. well,  the dreading getting up early……

I am not a morning person by no means,  and every morning I fight with my self and sorry to say it my family too, to get in the morning.  Every morning I get up around 6:30 or so ( by so i mean after the 6:30 mark) and every morning I am rushing out the door, and almost late everyday.  And with this plan it means that I would have to get up even earlier,  around 5:30 to 6am, just to exercise.

But If i want to lose my weight on time, This is what I am going to have to do.

My plan ( are you ready for it)

ab work out in the morning ,  with a small arm work out.  I know sounds simple right, well it isn’t,  again I have to actually do this in order for it to work.  Which means the first step is to get up.  ( the hardest step I should say is to get up)

well here goes nothing…… to the plan I have created….. the next blog!

Feeling a little like Cindy Lou Who

cindy lou who picture

Just wondering when Christmas became all about the gifts, and less about…. well, Christmasie(if that’s a word)

Christmas used to be magically now,  if feels more like the weight or lack there of weight of my wallet.  between the commercials showing gifts, that are to be the norm be around $100.00 or more,  and I am sitting here wondering how do people afford to spend that much on one gift.

$100 on a gift….. yeah right.  In my family,  we are wondering if we will even have money to be able to buy a couple of gifts for our children,  I couldn’t imagine having enough money to be able to spend $100.00 on a single gift for one person.

it leaves me asking ” where are you christmas,  why can’t I find you”

Yep, I am watching the ” How the Grinch stole christmas” and everyone else has gone to bed………

Picture of the day- bringing it back home

chrismas in az


Picture of the day – Christmas in AZ

bringing it back to home to the valley of the sun.

See while everyone else decorate trees,  we take the hard task of decorating out cactuses.  Yep,  its dangerous but beautiful.

While everyone else in our country is dealing with extreme colds,  and snow.  Well we still have sun.  Nothing like it being in the 60’s and 50’s in December.

hope you enjoy the picture…. Happy Holiday’s and Merry Christmas from Phoenix/Glendale AZ


Family night, turned into alone time?


Its family movie night, or so I thought.

I got off of work early today, 5 pm with being picked up instead of a bus ride home, and we picked up my stepson (from his moms) and our kids ( from daycare) and than we went to Costco to get a few things and dinner, what else but Pizza.  *****its friday and friday for me means Pizza, this has been tradition for me since I was a kid****

Came home, made the pizza and thought cool family time.  Turned on the tv for our movie,  ABC family is showing ” The Muppet Christmas Carol” ,  which is great.  At least I thought,  but some how what was to be movie night turned into me sitting in the front room myself before I knew it.

First, my 1-year-old little lady,  fell asleep in my arms ( 7:15pm) so I put her down.  Next some how my fiance went into the other room to go on the computer,  he left just as I put her down,  when I came back out from laying her down he was gone.

I sat back down,  this time just me, my Step son and my little MR. as I was getting into the movie, MR was gone (735),  it turned out he walked into the bedroom and laid down and went to sleep with his baby sister.

So it was just me and my step son, so I though.  It turns out 14-year-old don’t want to watch the Muppets or a Christmas carol.  On to his nook with him and into the other room ( his bed room).  This left me alone, by myself,  watch the movie at 8pm.  Within an hour it went from family time and movie to little old me by myself.

mmmmmm…. I guess there goes family movie night.   knew this would happen at  some point, I just thought I had some more years.  Oh well,  I will watch the Muppets Christmas Carol by myself then.   They don’t know what they are missing.

Book update

As you may be aware, and if not,  on Friday of last week I bought a new book.  But I won’t say what it is until I finish it.  The reason why I won’t say what it is, is because it’s a little embarrassing, so I refuse to say what the name of the book is until I am done.

but what I will tell you is that I am a 1/3 of the way through and I am kind of enjoying it.  The book was turned into a movie a couple of years ago,  and I recently watched. It caught my eye when I was skipping through the channels and I stopped on it.  I enjoyed the movie, I actually enjoyed it enough that my step-mom bought it for me for my birthday.  And I watched it again and decided that I would buy the book ( at my used book store, for $4.50). I bought the book on Friday and started to read it, and by starting I mean starting.  Having two kids and a family makes finding time to read hard,  So, I have been reading it one my bus rides home ( 30 mins from work to the kids daycare) and its been nice to read something new, and different, something I usually wouldn’t read ( as most of the books I read are paranormal and romance and action and this book is none of these things, well a little bit of romance but that’s not what the book is about).

What I can tell you about the book,  is that I enjoy the movie more.  I know that doesn’t sound right but that is how I feel.  The script is better and the actors did an amazing job making the characters( or people) more likable.  But that I might change when I finish the book……..

I will let you know more when I finish my book.

Picture of the day – New York


Picture of the day…… New York City ( I think) at christmas time……

to be honest,  this city actually scares me,  too small and too many people and way too much drama tv shoes growing up

yes from now until Christmas I will be posting christmas Pictures,  As I said before christmas makes me happy.

Or at least it did,  I am trying to get in the mood.  Its kinda hard right now.  But I am trying, and hoping to get there quickly.  Its December 4 and I have nothing out yet.  Actually it doesn’t feel like christmas.  It might be because we are still recovering from the months of no work and no income, so right now its sorta a little hard for us (In short we are financially f*@#ed right now).  But I am hoping to get in the mood.

Either way and whatever the reason, it doesn’t really matter.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa

In short ,  Happy Holiday‘s to You all

picture of the day….. Christmas in Paris

paris in france


It’s the 25 days of christmas pictures….. today is Paris.

Okay … I warned you a while ago , I love Christmas.  and I love the idea of traveling…. And I would like ( by like I mean love) to be able to travel to Paris ( France, not Texas)

Maybe for Christmas, Santa will give me a couple of ticks, and by tickets i mean winning lotto jackpot ticket.


Anyway…… Happy Holiday’s to All, and I hope you enjoy the picture

Final week of November weigh in

well it’s that time of the week for my weigh in

and its …… 152.8,  about a .4 oz loss.  but in short not a real loss.

but the good news…. I didn’t gain any weight over the holiday.  I know I was surprised I expected to at least gain a pound but I didn’t.  So I will consider this a win for me ( point 1 me )

With this win,  I bring up the failed weight loss goal for the month of November.  As you might remember at the beginning of the month I stated I wanted weigh in the 140’s. Well that didn’t happen,  but I am okay with it.  I will try hard this month.

Now this month goal is going to be a lot harder,  I am going to try to lose …. wait for it, wait for it

13 pounds,  enough for me to be in the 130’s.  I am trying to put down a meal plan schedule and a work out schedule.

I will post shortly,  and if you have any ideas please share,  anything to lose this fat would be great!

but in all, I would like to point out I have now lost 10 pounds

Picture of the day – obsessed with London

christmas in london


Tis the season …… Picture of the day, Snow in London.  Oh how I love this country.  All that seems to be missing from this picture is the double-decker bus…… yep I know I am a tourist, well a tourist that has never left my country.

how I wish I could travel,  and travel anywhere and everywhere. If only in my dreams.  Oh come on lotto, bring me the jackpot ( as this may be the only way I might ever be able to travel).

dreams oh dreams,  how I wish I could actually have one white christmas.