How do you know you are a good parent…….

When your 3 year old knows who Harry Potter is….. Book and Movie.

example: I was flipping through the Channels ( and yes this is not normal right now as for the last 3 weeks we have been watching 2 movies non stop, and yes we just got done watching both of those) , any way flipping through the channel and my son stopped me and yelled Harry potter.  And when I looked at it, it was a scene in which Harry potter wasn’t even in, but yet my son knew the movie,

**** so, in short my son is loving harry potter****

But don’t think that all he does is watch TV,  he doesn’t.  actually its the opposite.  See when I say we watched Wreck it Ralph or Brave ,  I mean it was on, and we were doing something else.  See,  its back ground noise. Its actually a really bad habit, don’t know how to break.  we seem to need the back ground noise, and music doesn’t work for me.

On a side note,  we are reading ” how to train a dragon” series, and its awesome. We read a chapter a night almost.  we are now on the 2nd book. They are really good and I would recommend the to everyone.

See I enjoy reading but only things I like, or trip my trigger.  And I know that reading is good for children, but I can’t stand the kids book, with pictures and a word or two ( or sentence) on each page… those drive me nuts.  And to be honest Kids just need the reading right now, so I do books in which i can get involved with so my kids can watch and hear me get excited and into the book… i do this with hope that it may excited them when they are older.  But more importantly it teaches them new words and lets them use their imagination.

Right now its the Dragon series and when we are done and both kids are a little older we will move on to lemony snicket, and  The Harry potter series and then the ultimate seriers… Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

I know most think I should do the younger books in order to teach them to read, but that’s not me or how I work.  I read to me kids because its our time, this is something we can do together.  and we are experiencing it together.  But more importantly because they enjoy it and I enjoy it.  They will learn to read, but this is story time.  This is the time in which they can use their imagination.

to be honest I probably should have started with limony snicket and than dragons,  but oh well.

Book update

As you may be aware, and if not,  on Friday of last week I bought a new book.  But I won’t say what it is until I finish it.  The reason why I won’t say what it is, is because it’s a little embarrassing, so I refuse to say what the name of the book is until I am done.

but what I will tell you is that I am a 1/3 of the way through and I am kind of enjoying it.  The book was turned into a movie a couple of years ago,  and I recently watched. It caught my eye when I was skipping through the channels and I stopped on it.  I enjoyed the movie, I actually enjoyed it enough that my step-mom bought it for me for my birthday.  And I watched it again and decided that I would buy the book ( at my used book store, for $4.50). I bought the book on Friday and started to read it, and by starting I mean starting.  Having two kids and a family makes finding time to read hard,  So, I have been reading it one my bus rides home ( 30 mins from work to the kids daycare) and its been nice to read something new, and different, something I usually wouldn’t read ( as most of the books I read are paranormal and romance and action and this book is none of these things, well a little bit of romance but that’s not what the book is about).

What I can tell you about the book,  is that I enjoy the movie more.  I know that doesn’t sound right but that is how I feel.  The script is better and the actors did an amazing job making the characters( or people) more likable.  But that I might change when I finish the book……..

I will let you know more when I finish my book.

picture of the day – a book store i would love to shop at

cool books


Picture of the day,  a Bookstore , well the door way to a book store.

I have no idea where this book store is but i would love to shop here,  this is the coolest entry to a book store I have ever seen.

I love book stores,  my mind runs a 1000 miles an hour when i enter one,  you never know where you will go and what you will experience in books.  It’s like a vacation for the mind and soul, when you can’t afford to physically go somewhere.

If I ever win the lotto,  my dream job would to work at a book store.

I hope you enjoy today’s picture




Anne Rice all over

My Anne Rice moment seems to be happening all over again.

By that I mean, Anne Rice is coming to town next week ( changing hands book store)  and I am going to miss it.  As my fiance is working and we don’t have the money.

this is the 2nd time I would have had the chance to meet her, and this is the second time I would have missed.

Last time she was in town, I missed her due to prior obligation and due to money and transportation.  I am so bummed.  I have been “dying” to meet her ( get it, a little bit of vampire humor) and each opportunity I get, seems to be smashed by something,  someday I hope to meet her.

Since that time where I missed her, anytime something happens that we can’t go to or miss,  we call it an Anne rice moment or its Anne Rice all over again.

So right now, I am sitting at my Anne Rice moment and seeing it happen all over again.

Books, books and more books…..

As you may all know, I am back to work and now that I am working , again, which means that I am back on the bus…… yay me ( insert rolling eyes and barf look)

as I am now back on the bus,  that means I need something to do while I am on the bus,  by something to do I mean…. reading a book

I am up for any suggestion.. sort of… no love  or political stories….. my life is already full of love and well really politics is everywhere and really tired of the news.

In short what I am asking do you have any good reads that you can suggest to me.

I have already read the true blood series, game of thrones,  and the mortal instruments.  And no to 50 shades,  not because I have a problem with this book,  it’s just me,  I may be over 30 years old, but I giggle like a school girl with stories like this.

So throw me a good story……….. Please

picture of the day – rain day to cheer me up

pictures of rain


Picture of the day….. a rainy day with books….. My stomach is still in a knot and I am trying to untie it.  So I thought of thinking of things that make me happy…. curled up on a comfy couch looking out a window as rain is falling with a great book to read….. this is my perfect day.

This is what I want….. when someone asks me what I want to do this is it…. I want a job in which I have this ability. I wonder if there is a job out there for me like this…..

Someday maybe this could be me,  I just wish I am still young enough to enjoy it…….