Tonights Movie Night….. Its Teen night over at my house

tonight movie night is : teen night.  It is what happens when my 14 year step son is over.  its his choice ( within the p-13 area) ,  and tonight’s’ movie is : The Mortal instruments : City of Bones.

mi movie nifth


To be honest, I am happy about it, as I am a huge fan of the series and I guess was one of the few that liked the movie.  I honestly don’t understand why this movie wasn’t a bigger hit,  both the book and movie are 100% better than “The Twilight Saga” ever thought of being.  But hey what do I know,  It’s just my opinion.

Back, in (I think) March or May, I went to the book signing of the author Cassandra Clare, and they were promoting the movie at the time too,  so I got to see a sneak peek and was able to get a movie poster and a few other items.  To be honest, she was one of the more entertaining book signings I have been to.  I loved her and loved the book signing.

Anyway on to the movie / movie night….. It will be starting soon.  I believe this time, everyone ( short of the babies) will be staying up and watching,  instead of leaving me alone, like last night.

On with the family time and Movie night!


Anne Rice all over

My Anne Rice moment seems to be happening all over again.

By that I mean, Anne Rice is coming to town next week ( changing hands book store)  and I am going to miss it.  As my fiance is working and we don’t have the money.

this is the 2nd time I would have had the chance to meet her, and this is the second time I would have missed.

Last time she was in town, I missed her due to prior obligation and due to money and transportation.  I am so bummed.  I have been “dying” to meet her ( get it, a little bit of vampire humor) and each opportunity I get, seems to be smashed by something,  someday I hope to meet her.

Since that time where I missed her, anytime something happens that we can’t go to or miss,  we call it an Anne rice moment or its Anne Rice all over again.

So right now, I am sitting at my Anne Rice moment and seeing it happen all over again.