Its Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know what that means??????!!!!


I know I am trying to loose wait, but I am allowed one day a week to feed my pizza cravings.  and I figured I walked 2.5 miles today ( had to pick the kids up from day care and walk home today) So this is the best way I can reward my self. With a big greasy cheesy pizza….mmmmmm can’t wait till it gets here.

oh and we are going to watch a movie too/  Just hoping to stay away from the Wreck it Ralph and Brave… Going to see how well this goes…

Tonights Movie Night….. Its Teen night over at my house

tonight movie night is : teen night.  It is what happens when my 14 year step son is over.  its his choice ( within the p-13 area) ,  and tonight’s’ movie is : The Mortal instruments : City of Bones.

mi movie nifth


To be honest, I am happy about it, as I am a huge fan of the series and I guess was one of the few that liked the movie.  I honestly don’t understand why this movie wasn’t a bigger hit,  both the book and movie are 100% better than “The Twilight Saga” ever thought of being.  But hey what do I know,  It’s just my opinion.

Back, in (I think) March or May, I went to the book signing of the author Cassandra Clare, and they were promoting the movie at the time too,  so I got to see a sneak peek and was able to get a movie poster and a few other items.  To be honest, she was one of the more entertaining book signings I have been to.  I loved her and loved the book signing.

Anyway on to the movie / movie night….. It will be starting soon.  I believe this time, everyone ( short of the babies) will be staying up and watching,  instead of leaving me alone, like last night.

On with the family time and Movie night!


Family night, turned into alone time?


Its family movie night, or so I thought.

I got off of work early today, 5 pm with being picked up instead of a bus ride home, and we picked up my stepson (from his moms) and our kids ( from daycare) and than we went to Costco to get a few things and dinner, what else but Pizza.  *****its friday and friday for me means Pizza, this has been tradition for me since I was a kid****

Came home, made the pizza and thought cool family time.  Turned on the tv for our movie,  ABC family is showing ” The Muppet Christmas Carol” ,  which is great.  At least I thought,  but some how what was to be movie night turned into me sitting in the front room myself before I knew it.

First, my 1-year-old little lady,  fell asleep in my arms ( 7:15pm) so I put her down.  Next some how my fiance went into the other room to go on the computer,  he left just as I put her down,  when I came back out from laying her down he was gone.

I sat back down,  this time just me, my Step son and my little MR. as I was getting into the movie, MR was gone (735),  it turned out he walked into the bedroom and laid down and went to sleep with his baby sister.

So it was just me and my step son, so I though.  It turns out 14-year-old don’t want to watch the Muppets or a Christmas carol.  On to his nook with him and into the other room ( his bed room).  This left me alone, by myself,  watch the movie at 8pm.  Within an hour it went from family time and movie to little old me by myself.

mmmmmm…. I guess there goes family movie night.   knew this would happen at  some point, I just thought I had some more years.  Oh well,  I will watch the Muppets Christmas Carol by myself then.   They don’t know what they are missing.

enjoying my Saturday, loving being a mom

I am enjoying my Saturday and loving being a mom today.  the thing that sucks being back at work is missing the kids.  It funny I spent so much time wanting to get back to work ( cause I have to as I have bills to pay), I forgot about how much I will miss when I am gone.

Today my 2-year-old son and I had a conversation about Peter pan and Captain Hook.  and we had a hug squeezing match, I find that he is really strong and good at hugs.

My little lady is not feeling good today, running nose and a little cranky.  but still full of mischief.

My kids are 100% my ray of light and they make every day an adventure.

I am looking forward to my fiance coming home from work, so we can run to Costco. And than home for, wait for it , wait for it…..Family Movie night.  I love Family Movie night.

I find that it’s the littlest things in life are what makes life worth living for.

Happy Saturday to all and I have you have a great day.



Friday delay

Today’s posts (Friday)  are a little delay but for several good reasons.

the main reason,  the job today,  between the running around and interview today, we didn’t get home until after 3 pm ( after leaving at 9:30am)

after that, we dealt with some more family drama and I am calling for a mass family intervention to hopefully fix stupidity ( we’ll see how many supports i have)

Than It was off to Trunk of Treat at the local ( down the street) church.  we were there from 6 to 7 pm,  and my son loved it. It was a mini pre Halloween. The church showed Charlie Brown Halloween special, and then we went trunk or treat.  next time we will be there earlier!

and then came my first time to do a girls night,  in short first girl night since before my son was born ( so over 3 years ago).  Tonight i went to my first Bonko party.  It was great, had so much fun! i want to do it again,  i hope I get invited again,  I didn’t get home until after 11pm.  It was a crazy (for mom) night.

today was a great day and hopefully this is a sign of good things to come.