Parent and child influence – nerd/Geek training

just something that is a little funny.  i was watching BBC america and something came on for doctor who, and my 2-year-old son came running to me screaming in excitement,  “doctor who doctor who mama”  ,  he was giggling,

Yep ,  being a nerd/Geek is contagious or is it in the blood, Not sure. I got to say i think i am doing a pretty good job.  It started with Harry Potter, Ironman, Hulk and Captain America , Now its doctor Who I think he is old enough for “Star Wars” now.  Pretty soon it will be my little girl next.  I can just imagine it now,  Luke and Leia for Halloween in a couple of years.

Nerd/Geek children on the best!

So I have had it….. I want to go to comic con

Yes I know, I have no job to afford and have no idea how I am going to coming up with the money but I want to go to comic con 2014.

I want to be one of the nerds that puts on costumes and parade around ( as long as it isn’t princess Leia). I want to sit through all the panels, and walk around to all the booths,  I don’t care i want to go.  I love Star Wars,LOTR, doctor who, HP, anime, comics and comic book movies.  I Can’t help it, I am a nerd at heart  Give me Batman, Naruto, Spawn, the hulk, Ironman and black panther.

I admit it, I am a comic book/movie, anime, star wars, LOTR, whovian and HP obsessed freak of a  Nerd.  Yes I am a nerd.

okay I got that off my chest,  thank you for listening and have a great day.

Another goal to add to the list,  Go to Comic Con 2014 ( or 2015)