picture of the day – a book store i would love to shop at

cool books


Picture of the day,  a Bookstore , well the door way to a book store.

I have no idea where this book store is but i would love to shop here,  this is the coolest entry to a book store I have ever seen.

I love book stores,  my mind runs a 1000 miles an hour when i enter one,  you never know where you will go and what you will experience in books.  It’s like a vacation for the mind and soul, when you can’t afford to physically go somewhere.

If I ever win the lotto,  my dream job would to work at a book store.

I hope you enjoy today’s picture




Picture(s) of the day – missing a Vacation

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In June ( prior to being laid off) my family took our first vacation together,  and we loved it.  for our kids being as young as they are, they did great on the ride up and back.  ( from AZ to CA),  these pics were taken in Ventura or Oxnard,CA.  And to be honest,  if we were to ever move to CA( or could ever afford, is the real statement) , these would be the spot.

It was the most relaxed I had been in a while,  it was peaceful and fun.

I would love to find a job that made me happy and provided me the peace that I had on that vacation,  I am not sure if one even out there but one can dream I guess.

I miss that vacation and wish I never came back.  I want to go back on vacation.

Here’s to dreaming

picture of the day – rain at the beach

rain at the beach


Rainy day at the beach,  I know this has to be cold,  and the wind and the water probably make it colder.  But this would be such a beautiful thing to see.

In all my life, I have only seen the beach like 4 times ( which is actually more times than I have seen the snow),

In June my fiance and the kids went to CA for a family vacation.  we went to the beach and it was such a great time.  At that moment it was so peaceful and perfect,  we decided than that we wanted to move the California.  of course that is when we have the money to move and his son ( from first marriage) turns 18,  until than we are stuck here in the Sun and temp of AZ ( but it is for a good cause,  we couldn’t just pick up and leave him, we love him too much)