Picture of the day – ?

Well as you can see , there is no picture today,  I wasn’t able to find anything that jumped out at me.  Sorry for the disappointment but nothing really spoke to me.

I do my best to pick pictures that “speak” to me….. but nothing did it today.

I miss my rain from last night,  it was a teaser, I wish It would come back……. oh rain why did you have to leave.

picture of the day – Rain in the desert

rain and lightning

Picture of the day….. Well it’s actually raining in AZ, Phoenix that is…. YAY! ( insert me jumping and running around with excitement.)

Yes it is raining in the valley of the sun, it is raining in the desert.  So happy right now.  a few moments ago the wind started blowing like crazy and you could hear the thunder pounding and see the lightning dancing in the distance…. and right now I felt a sprinkle.

I understand you are thinking sprinkle ?  you are jumping up and down for a sprinkle?

Yes yes I am ,  its rain to us…… one sprinkle can lead to a down flood of rain and within 15 mins my street will be too flooded to drive on

You have to understand our soil doesn’t know how to deal with the rain so it take it a while to suck up the water,, In short when it rains it floods in phoenix.  but we love it.

I am enjoying this Monday rain!

picture of the day – rain day to cheer me up

pictures of rain


Picture of the day….. a rainy day with books….. My stomach is still in a knot and I am trying to untie it.  So I thought of thinking of things that make me happy…. curled up on a comfy couch looking out a window as rain is falling with a great book to read….. this is my perfect day.

This is what I want….. when someone asks me what I want to do this is it…. I want a job in which I have this ability. I wonder if there is a job out there for me like this…..

Someday maybe this could be me,  I just wish I am still young enough to enjoy it…….