weight Loss goal and time limit

I have given my self 6 months to lose 50 pounds,  6 months to get into shape ( and not the shape of a circle,  no more round)

I am 5 foot ( 5’1 in the morning) and I weigh 162 pounds.

I am having huge issues on loosing weight.  And I have been looking up how to get this started.  At the end of it all the best way to lose weight is by well getting off my Ass and actually doing something different.

to complete my goal i will need to change everything, between my eating, activities and thought process.  I will have to see a doctor and get my thyroid check out.  My family has a history of thyroid problems and if my thyroid is not working this can have something to do with my lack of weight loss but more importantly It’s just important to get it check out for other health reasons.

I will have to control not only what I eat but how much of what I eat.  i will need to slowly cut out carbs ( bad carbs such as lot of bread) and eat more chicken and veggies.  i will need to choose better fruits to eat and cut out pork and mad meats.

I will need to walk at least  30 mins  to an hour a day.  along with this ( as it will only maintain my weight not really change it,  but this can also shape/form my body)

I will need to also do high cardo, with light weights,  this will help burn the carbs in which I am taking in.

the hardest thing will be figuring out how to drop soda.  this is my real last addiction, ( I quite smoking and drinking when I got pregnant  with my son but this is the last demon I have)

I will have to drink mostly water, or flavored water.

this will be tough but i am starting fresh.

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