Picture of the day…….. Books, books and more books

dream bookPicture of the day

This is just cool,  I am sorry but this is awesome……. I would love to have a room like this,  I don’t know where I would want the door to lead to ( or if I would want this to be a secrete passage way to the library) but either was this is just awesome.

On one of my side notes ( I Know I am  becoming famous for these),  I almost done with my book.  Yes I know its been taking me a while, but keep in mind I have only been reading it on the bus,  and since my fiance has been taking me to work the past couple of weeks and has picked me up several times from work, I haven’t been able to really read a lot,  but I should be done by the end of the up coming week.  Which means….. a Book blog report and a new book to read. Now I will be taking in any suggestions on books that you can give,  but I will tell you even though this book is non fiction, I usually ready Fiction and paranormal Fiction, and I refuse to read anything political or government related ( there is enough of all of that on the TV and everyday life right now, I don’t want to spend the few moments I have reading it too, or about dead presidents and history non fiction) I know I am picking, I can’t help it.


Picture of the day – A new book

rainy day books


Its picture of the day time!

So I have a picture of books with rain,  this is because I got a new book and I wish it was raining while I read it.  Well I wish it was raining period, but I am not god and I can not control the weather so I am stuck with the sun.  Anyway.  I got a new book today, so I put down Twilight ( cause I was bored and wanted to read something, that had rain in it) and I am reading my new book.

I am already on page 40 and just started reading it like an hour ago.  Yes I know I am a slow reader but I can’t help it,  I have dyslexia, and when I read I have to re read at the same time just so I can under stand what I am reading.  So please don’t make fun of me.

On a side note,  one of the reasons I hated school so much was the reading out loud part.  Remember that,  when the teacher would go from person to person and have each person read, yeah this is a really bad thing when you suffer from dyslexia, its nothing like being the center of attention with a reading disorder and then have everyone laugh at you and asking if you are stupid.  Oh the great childhood memories…. nothing like scares that you caring around for a life time.

oh well, time to move on

I will have more information on the book shortly……….