Picture of the day…….. Books, books and more books

dream bookPicture of the day

This is just cool,  I am sorry but this is awesome……. I would love to have a room like this,  I don’t know where I would want the door to lead to ( or if I would want this to be a secrete passage way to the library) but either was this is just awesome.

On one of my side notes ( I Know I am  becoming famous for these),  I almost done with my book.  Yes I know its been taking me a while, but keep in mind I have only been reading it on the bus,  and since my fiance has been taking me to work the past couple of weeks and has picked me up several times from work, I haven’t been able to really read a lot,  but I should be done by the end of the up coming week.  Which means….. a Book blog report and a new book to read. Now I will be taking in any suggestions on books that you can give,  but I will tell you even though this book is non fiction, I usually ready Fiction and paranormal Fiction, and I refuse to read anything political or government related ( there is enough of all of that on the TV and everyday life right now, I don’t want to spend the few moments I have reading it too, or about dead presidents and history non fiction) I know I am picking, I can’t help it.


New blog : Adoption stories postings

If you are wanting to put your story on the blog ,  you can either go to the blog :

Stories of the Heart : Our Adoptions  and place a comment, and I can copy and repost

Or If you are wanting to remain anonymous than I can give you my email and you can email me your story.

This blog is still a thought process in the middle of being created,  so I am working out the look and post ( how to post)

I understand that the adoption process is hard and not easy for everyone to talk about that’s why I created this site.  Talking about it can not only help your self but others.  So please don’t be afraid to share.

Thank you again