Mass cleaning day!!!!!

So we are cleanin….g the house today, mass cleaning,  Spring cleaning really.  and even though you might say ” Spring cleaning?, its not spring” .. Ummm yeah, I live in AZ,  its spring for us.  In AZ its either really hot, extremely hot, cooling down , and nice, and then we restart.  Its almost time for the Really hot to begin.  Stupid climate change.


Any way, we are cleaning our house out and getting rid of as much as we can.

its not fun,  I will repeat , Not funny.  having two babies running around and pulling out everything we put away, and than creating new spills over the spills we have just cleaned up.


So to re cap, we are running around like a chicken with their heads cut off……. yep just the normal parenting stuff.  ( as a side note: no one explained this in the parenting manual)

its that time of the year,again

It’s time for Christmas; well it seems to have started last night on thanksgiving.

We had to cut Thanksgiving short yesterday; well we only had 3 hours of thanksgiving to be honest.  My fiancé had to go into work at 6pm and worked until 6am this morning, so I guess black Friday turned into black Thursday.  In short our day was spent with him sleeping all day (preparing for work) and then rushing over to my step moms house for thanksgiving dinner (and I am not joking all we had time for was dinner), we got there at 2:45pm and ate at 3ish and left at 5pm, to rush back home so he can change into his cloths for work and then he was gone, leaving me and the kids to the FX marathon of Kung Fu Panda.  And then it was off to a very lonely bed, in which I shared with my children so I wouldn’t be so alone last night.

To make up for yesterday, I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner tonight, in order to get the family time in and then we will be putting in a movie (either planes or turbo).  But until than I am letting him sleep, while I cook and clean. after the cleaning part I will be taking a small break to go to a local second-hand book store and get some new to me ( and to the kids) books. And than back home for some cooking,eating and family time.

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving,  and Happy Holidays and let the Christmas music begin, turn on the lights and let Christmas season start.

getting better and a lot to do

It’s Thursday and I am starting to feel better, but as I am feeling better I am noticing that my house is not. All the hard work that I did this past Sunday is nowhere in sight.  Its seems like my clean house up and left, or ran away while I was under the weather.  And I am now trying to find it, by finding it, I mean cleaning my house.  The good news is that a least I won’t have to do a massive cleaning spree this weekend, which means folks….. I get to spend more time with my kids (in hopes they are both feeling better) and if I dare say it….. I may be able to possibly read more than a chapter of my book.

But enough about me, on to my little babies. They had their first week at day care last week and it went good.  up until Sunday night.   As you might have read and if not I will say it again, my babies have been sick, very sick since Sunday.  and Sunday/ Monday around 11 to midnight, we got up and rushed both of them to the er (as the urgent cares in our area were closed down), the ER said both kids had pink eye (well at least little lady did, and for Mr it could have been popped blood vessels, either way they still gave him meds as a precaution) and a cold.  That “cold” raged on so far all week, and we took them to the doctor today, it turns out little lady has an ear infection and MR, well they don’t know what he has, but they do know that he has a virus of some sort, just not sure what it is.  They then sent us on our way and told us good luck with that.  So MR is still really sick with a fever raging around 103 (going up and down) and coughing his head off (up coughing with what seems to be every hour). Right now the babes are sleeping, which allows me time to clean and write this.  But I am still hoping that when we wake up in the morning that the fevers will be gone and my little babes will be back to their bouncing selves.

Ohhhh and some good news,  its raining right now.  Raining in Phoenix!