Phase one of bettering my self : School

It has been no secrete that I am in need of a change,  or if you will a life over hall. I have been open that I have no idea of what I want to do, or what I want to be.  but I have said over and over again, that I want more than what I have and that I need to better myself in order to accomplish this.

So today I enrolled in my local community college,  or at least one of the local community colleges.  My main goal is to find my dream job,  and my forever job.  Part one is education,  and yes I know that it may take time,  but I also need to find out what I want to be, or who i want to be, or maybe who I am ( i guess that is the correct answer) .

Right now I am just going to take the required normal classes until I can put a figure on what it is that I am looking for.( wondering if I should be using a quigja board)

I guess the big question of the day is,  how is it that you can tell ” what it is that you want to be”.  How does one know what their calling is?  How can one find out what their calling is?

Big important question I know………

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