Picture of the day – London

london pic

Picture of the day – its London

I can’t help it I am kind of obsessed with England.  I live on BBC America, Doctor who, Being Human, and Top gear. I would love to experience this country in full, everything from its double buses to its telephone boxes. It is so beautiful (from the pictures and from what I see on TV).  I wish I could visit this country and stay for a while.

What I would love is to be one of those jet setting people, to be able to afford to travel and do something meaningful with my life.  And when I say this, I don’t mean when I am in my 60’s or 70’s when I am too old to truly experience all that these counties offer.  for example is my grandfather,  in his 70’s and on a trip to Europe and goes to Russia and has a stroke and has to fly back,  I know he is enjoying himself but my goal is not to be traveling at his age and having extreme medical emergency in strange places.  I want to experience it all while I am still young.

It’s a dream I know, but it’s a dream I wish would become real.  Oh how I wish I could win the lottery or do something great in which I could afford to do amazing things.  I do not want to live and die by a cubical.