Friday blog

Happy Friday to all

Yes it’s the weekend already. And I just finished my first full week at my new job, and yes there were bumps in the road this week, especially today.

To start… I got up late today, my alarm never went off (or if you ask my fiancé, it went off but I didn’t get up, either way I was late.  I obviously missed my bus, so he was kind enough to take me to work today (awesome he is, even though he was not happy about it), which meant I was not late (on time, yay! to him).

Once I got to work I immediately started to file,  as I had nothing to do… yep I filed and filed and filed,  from 8am till about 10am, in which I was done filing and asked the office manager for some work,  in which she was nice enough to give me some more work…. FILING! Yep I filed some more. (13 years of accounting and I am filing, yay me!).  Regardless I am happy to have some work, so I started filing again, until 12pm rolled around and guess what actually work came in, I was able to do a deposit.  And this is where it gets fun.

By fun I mean went downhill, something so easy and should have taken about 30 mins to do, took over an hour and I felt so stupid.  My hold up….. New system and not paying attention, I was so eager that I messed up.  Yep I blew it.  But I was able to correct my mistakes, with the manager’s help.  She didn’t get mad at all, which was great cause I felt like an ass.  There is nothing like feeling like an ass with your boss watching you.  Yay me, with all these years of accounting knowledge and I am messing up a simple deposit.

But after all that I at least knew that once I pulled my head out of my butt, that I actually knew what I was doing.  So I felt better that in the future I could do it just fine.  I guess sometimes you have to figure out how not to do something in order to know how to do something.  Lesson learned.

The rest of my day went okay, did more filing, took some initiative (which my bosses seemed to like, but the reality was I was bored and wanted some more to do). And then some deals came through, I was able to prep 1/2 but, I found errors so I get to fix them, and by fix I mean my boss will show me what to do so in the future I will know what to do.  And then the main boss lady said hey you all did good today its 4 pm now go home and enjoy yourselves.  So I did!

In all it was an okay day, and I guess a day for me is never complete without feeling like an ass by the end of it, since that happened already today the rest of my day should be good.

this week should be good,  I am going to try to actually cook or bake something from scratch, in short  wait for my epic fail blog on Saturday when I tell you the disaster that happened.

Well it’s time to go, Happy Friday (or what’s left of it) to all.