potty training epic fail

i have been trying to potty train my almost 3-year-old son now for about 9 months ,  and I think I can say I am an epic fail at it.

i know he knows how to use the potty,  i know he knows when he has to go.  But yet he doesn’t.  I know that he knows as i have seen him do it.  yet still its only when he wants to.

My epic fail comes from our visit / “play date and the mall”

he had to go ,  he said he had to go but yet refused.

what happened his, I took him to the bathroom, and he flat-out refused to go to the bathroom until he was completely naked, shoes and socks and all.  by the time i got him undressed , he had gone.  and requested me to put a new outfit on him. Not because I peed on any of it,  because he has decided that like a diaper his outfit needs to be changed every time he goes.

In short, at home now ,  he goes through 2 outfits in the morning and 5 after that before he goes to bed.  and to make matters worse he forces me to wash them after. by force,  he throws his cloths in the washer.

It’s that moment in life when you realized whom actually is in control.  it’s the 2-year-old.

I would say i need help potty training but I think we all know I am way beyond help