Finding light in the dark

as stated prior,  I am dealing with a lot, most of it is financially.  In short I am Financially f@#*ed.  It’s extremely depressing.  But Its life I guess.  And to be honest, after working in the business I was in for over 10 years, I can honestly say,  I have heard my story told through others,  just this time it’s all mine.

It’s short it is how it is… I don’t know what to do to stay above the water and there isn’t enough time in one day to do a quarter of it…. which is why I am sinking… but I am trying to find the light at the end of this very dark and long tunnel.

My joy right now…. my kids.  I know its cheesy but its true…. I just sat here and watched my MR play “talking Ben” ( a talking dog app that repeats what you say and some other stuff) ,  to me the game is boring but to my son its amazing and he thinks it’s the funniest thing ever.  He was sitting there for about 20 mins playing it and just laughing his butt off.  in short, it was the best part of my day.  To see him sitting there laughing at something so silly and stupid but to him it’s well mind-blowing.

Look at the end of the day,  its the best way to end it. And I am trying to do my best to keep my mind on the pile of  “poo” piling up ( sorry, trying to watch my language, slipped in front of my son, and well he repeats).  as of right now, I know there is little I can do,  I don’t make nearly enough, and wont make anything close to what I was making a year ago, so no point on whining about it all the time (sorry but there are not many good paying jobs out there, especially for someone with no college degree)

I am trying to pull up my big girl panties ( kick and screaming of course) and just try to take care of things….Right now its just hard but at least I have my kids to make things seem a little bit simpler and joyful (minus the dirty diapers)

So story for the day:  Yesterday My MR , who is 3 and just now deciding on doing the potty training thing, had to use the potty and went walking into the bathroom ( my master bathroom that is),  I was in my bedroom reading to Lady and putting her down for the night.  He walked into the small bathroom, and left the door open.In which I went to tell him to shut the door, but only stopped to watch him curiously as he went to the toilet stood on his tippy toes and tried to pee like a real man.  Only problem,  his is only 3 and doesn’t have aim yet or the height to do it.  never less he tried, pee’d on everything short of in the toilet, and he did try hard to aim for the bowl, even with me trying to give him instructions from my bed and my Lady watching on ( she seemed to be cheering him on).  I couldn’t yell at him,  he actually used the toilet…. and more importantly all by himself… Just got to work on that aim, and cleaning up when done.  So here is to that day in which he will aim and hit his mark, a day without diapers, and cleaning up after number 1’s and number 2’s.

Good night to all

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