Adoption part 4

As I enter into week 4 or part 4 of my adoption, I am forced to try to write about my pregnancy and the birth father.  This is something that I really do not like to do.  As this is the time, when she was mine, and this is the reason why I knew I was not good for her.

I do not remember my pregnancy being hard, which is surprising as my last two sucked and I was miserable the entire time.  But with her, I don’t remember,  Or I choose to only look at it in a positive light as this was the only good thing happening in my life at that time.

I was in a horrible relationship and I was stuck.  I had nowhere to turn to and nowhere to go.  And to be honest I don’t think I wanted to leave, I was scared, that it was all for nothing.

I did not love the person I was with; I knew this and was honest about it.  I just did not know what to do.  I was angry with him and I think I wanted him to pay for what he did.  To take some sort of responsibility for it.  I was so angry and vengeful.

That anger has never left, I have never forgiven him, nor do I think I can.  I take responsibility for my action but he never cared, and to me I did not see how that is possible.  Why is it that she meant so little to him?

I still do not understand it until this day.  She is 12 years old and I have never let go, every moment she is in my head and heart and I think about her consistently but he never did.   There are pictures of her and her family in my house and on my walls.  I am in contact with them and a part of her life, but he has never once cared to even be involved.

He left the moment the papers where signed, he was cheating on me and I knew this but I did not want to believe it at that time.

The biggest thing I have ever regretted above all else, the one thing I wish I could change the most is my pregnancy.  I wish I left, I wish I had a place to go.  I wish I would have begged and pleaded with my dad to take me in.  But I was so ashamed that I had let this all happen, I let my pride get in the way of the well being of my child.

It is this that sticks in my head till this day,  it is this reason why I know giving her up was the right thing to do,  because if I couldn’t put my pride aside during my pregnancy, and put her first, than I had no right calling myself her mother.

This is the moment in which my life changed for me, the moment I realized this, this is the moment in which I tore out my own heart.  I was not good enough for her and I had no right to say that I could be.  A real parent, a real mother would put their child’s well being above of everything.  And I didn’t do this.